المواضيع الأخيرة
الجزء الثالث المنتظر من فيلم الكوميديا والرومانسية "عمر وسلمى 3 " للنجم تامر حسني ومي عزالدين بحجم 466 ميجا
الإثنين فبراير 13, 2012 8:50 pm من طرف smsm
عمر و سلمى 3
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
كالعادة وزي ما عودناكم وبعد عرضه مباشرة
باعلى صوت وصورة
[size=12]الجزء ده كوميدي جدا وحلو اوووي
انصح الجميع بمشاهدته
ملحوظة : الفيلم كامل من اول دقيقة لحد اخر دقيقة ومدته
1 ساعة و 36 دقيقة
قصة …
عمر و سلمى 3
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
كالعادة وزي ما عودناكم وبعد عرضه مباشرة
باعلى صوت وصورة
[size=12]الجزء ده كوميدي جدا وحلو اوووي
انصح الجميع بمشاهدته
ملحوظة : الفيلم كامل من اول دقيقة لحد اخر دقيقة ومدته
1 ساعة و 36 دقيقة
قصة …
[ قراءة كاملة ]
تعاليق: 0
فيلم الكوميديا " بنات العم " بطولة ثلاثي الضحك ابطال فيلم "سمير وشهير وبهير" بحجم 437 ميجا على اكثر من سيرفر
الإثنين فبراير 13, 2012 8:26 pm من طرف كامل
بنات العم
في الوقت الي كل الناس لسة بترفع فيه اعلان الفيلم
جبنالكم الفيلم كامل من اول ثانية لاخر تتر
( الفيلم ده بجد ضحك للركب )
قصة الفيلم
الحديث عن اللعنات
التي تصيب الإنسان كثيرة وغريبة واغربها ما حدث بفيلم (بنات العم) حيث
ثلاث صديقات تصبهن لعنة غريبة فيتحولن إلى رجال....وبين الصدمة والوعي
يحاولن طوال احداث الفيلم فك …
بنات العم
في الوقت الي كل الناس لسة بترفع فيه اعلان الفيلم
جبنالكم الفيلم كامل من اول ثانية لاخر تتر
( الفيلم ده بجد ضحك للركب )
قصة الفيلم
الحديث عن اللعنات
التي تصيب الإنسان كثيرة وغريبة واغربها ما حدث بفيلم (بنات العم) حيث
ثلاث صديقات تصبهن لعنة غريبة فيتحولن إلى رجال....وبين الصدمة والوعي
يحاولن طوال احداث الفيلم فك …
[ قراءة كاملة ]
تعاليق: 0
بإنفراد تام أسطورة الكوميديا عادل إمام فى فيلم العيد وقبل العيد زهايمير بجودة خرافية وتحميل مباشر على أكثر من سيرفر
الثلاثاء نوفمبر 23, 2010 11:40 am من طرف ashraf
فيلم العيد
بجودة روووعـــة
ولن تجدها الا هنا وفقطـــ
عادل امام
الفيلم كامل من البداية للنهايــة ...
والصورة ثابتة وكاملة طوال الفيلم ,,,
والصوت واضح وكويس ..
فيما عدا اول دقيقة فقط لخلل الصوت داخل السينما نفسها
بجودة روووعـــة
ولن تجدها الا هنا وفقطـــ
عادل امام
الفيلم كامل من البداية للنهايــة ...
والصورة ثابتة وكاملة طوال الفيلم ,,,
والصوت واضح وكويس ..
فيما عدا اول دقيقة فقط لخلل الصوت داخل السينما نفسها
[ قراءة كاملة ]
تعاليق: 1
الفيلم الكوميدى الديكتاتور - نسخة فيديو سي دي فقط 236ميجا - على عدة سيرفرات
الجمعة أكتوبر 22, 2010 5:16 pm من طرف العنتيل
قصه الفيلم
تدور أحداث فيلم الديكتاتور في إطار سياسي ساخر, حول حاكم يبطش بمن يرفض أو يعترض على أوامره, يخشاه الجميع بسبب دكتاتوريته الشديدة .
تدور بينه و بين أبنائه التوأم العديد من المواقف و الأحداث التي تتناول أزمات المواطن العادي إلى أن تحدث مفاجأة عنيفة تقلب الأمور رأسا على عقب
خالد سرحان - حسن حسنى
مايا نصرى - عزت ابو عوف
ادوارد - …
[ قراءة كاملة ]
تعاليق: 1
مجموعة من اقوي افلام نجم الكوميديا الرائع محمد هنيدي ( 12 فيلم ) نسخ DvDRip على اكثر من سيرفر ..
الأربعاء أكتوبر 20, 2010 11:06 am من طرف tete
مجموعة من اقوي افلام نجم الكوميديا الرائع محمد هنيدي 12 فيلم
- - - - - - - -
اسماعيلية رايح جاي
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
- - - - - - - -
اسماعيلية رايح جاي
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
[ قراءة كاملة ]
تعاليق: 1
فيلم العيد :: الرجل الغامض بسلامته :: CaM H.Q :: جودة عالية Rmvb :: نسختين 300 ميجا + 700 ميجا :: تحميل مباشر وعلى أكثر من سيرفر
الأربعاء سبتمبر 29, 2010 3:42 pm من طرف tete
فيلم العيد
# الرجل الغامض بسلامته #
شاب ( هاني رمزي) لا يجد مجال للوصول إلى النجاح إلا عن طريق ممارسة الكذب ، حيث يعتبر أن الكذب هو خير وسيلة للنجاح.
ورغم عمله كموظف في القطاع الخاص إلا أنه يراسل عدداً من الجهات الحكومية يطالبها بحل عدد من الأزمات العامة - مثل الرغيف والبطالة وأزمة الإسكان - وعندما تحدث المفاجأة و يصبح مشهوراً …
# الرجل الغامض بسلامته #
شاب ( هاني رمزي) لا يجد مجال للوصول إلى النجاح إلا عن طريق ممارسة الكذب ، حيث يعتبر أن الكذب هو خير وسيلة للنجاح.
ورغم عمله كموظف في القطاع الخاص إلا أنه يراسل عدداً من الجهات الحكومية يطالبها بحل عدد من الأزمات العامة - مثل الرغيف والبطالة وأزمة الإسكان - وعندما تحدث المفاجأة و يصبح مشهوراً …
[ قراءة كاملة ]
تعاليق: 1
فيلم الرعب المصرى ايناب بجوده dvdrip 200 ميجا برابط واحد على اكثر من سيرفر
الخميس مايو 13, 2010 7:47 pm من طرف احساس غريب
تتعطل سيارة بشاب وشابة فى ليلة ممطرة عند أحد البيوت فيدخلانه طلباً
ويكتشفان أنه منزل دراكولا ويعرض الفيلم أساساً الشخصيات المستغلة
مثل السباك والجزار أما شخصية دراكولا ليست إلا رمز لهذه الشخصيات المستغلة
على الحجار
منى جبر
احمد عدوية ـ دراكولا
طلعت زين
عهدى صادق ـ شلف
حسن الإمام
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
تتعطل سيارة بشاب وشابة فى ليلة ممطرة عند أحد البيوت فيدخلانه طلباً
ويكتشفان أنه منزل دراكولا ويعرض الفيلم أساساً الشخصيات المستغلة
مثل السباك والجزار أما شخصية دراكولا ليست إلا رمز لهذه الشخصيات المستغلة
على الحجار
منى جبر
احمد عدوية ـ دراكولا
طلعت زين
عهدى صادق ـ شلف
حسن الإمام
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
[ قراءة كاملة ]
تعاليق: 2
اقوى مسلسلات رمضان - الكبير - احمد مكى - الحلقة 15 الاخيرة - على اكثر من سيرفر
الخميس سبتمبر 02, 2010 9:38 pm من طرف tete
تدور الاحداث فى احدى
قرى الصعيد ،عمدة القرية والملقب بالكبير قوى فى واخر ايامه يصارع الموت
ويحكى لابنه (الكبير) وهو وريثه الشرعى وشخص مفترى يستغل مكانة والده وهو
ينتظر اليوم الذى يحكم فيه البلد كعمدة بعدموت والده
يفاجئه الاب قبل موته بان له أخ توأم يعيش فى USA وان له 50% من الورث
الذى سوف يتركه له وفى العمودية كمان ،كما يحكى له كيف تعرف على والدته فى
احدى البارات وكيف انجبته هو وأخوه …
قرى الصعيد ،عمدة القرية والملقب بالكبير قوى فى واخر ايامه يصارع الموت
ويحكى لابنه (الكبير) وهو وريثه الشرعى وشخص مفترى يستغل مكانة والده وهو
ينتظر اليوم الذى يحكم فيه البلد كعمدة بعدموت والده
يفاجئه الاب قبل موته بان له أخ توأم يعيش فى USA وان له 50% من الورث
الذى سوف يتركه له وفى العمودية كمان ،كما يحكى له كيف تعرف على والدته فى
احدى البارات وكيف انجبته هو وأخوه …
[ قراءة كاملة ]
تعاليق: 1
حصريآ : فيلم صفر - واحد نسخه vcd ونسخه DVD بأعلى جوده على اكثر من سيرفر
الأحد مايو 30, 2010 2:19 pm من طرف tooooot
One - Zero
معلومات اكتر عن
سيدة تبحث
عن حياتها من جديد من خلال طلاق معلق في المحاكم ..فهل تفوز السيدة
يتناول الفيلم قصة حياة عدة أشخاص وتتزامن تلك القصص مع بطولة الأمم
الأفريقية الكروية
الفيلم …
One - Zero
معلومات اكتر عن
سيدة تبحث
عن حياتها من جديد من خلال طلاق معلق في المحاكم ..فهل تفوز السيدة
يتناول الفيلم قصة حياة عدة أشخاص وتتزامن تلك القصص مع بطولة الأمم
الأفريقية الكروية
الفيلم …
[ قراءة كاملة ]
تعاليق: 3
the Visual dictionary
2 مشترك
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
the Visual dictionary
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Cell: the cell is a highly complex system that is the site of intense energy exchange and which presents vast interphase surfaces. Like all living organisms, it feeds itself, grows, multiplies and dies. Chromatin: pat of the nucleus of a cell visible by microscope. It consists of a dense, weblike, interconnected mass. Nucleus: central part of a cell which contains the chromosomes. Mitochondrion: microstructure of cytoplasm which plays a role in oxydation and the storage of energy in a cell. Nucleolus: nuclear particle that plays a role in the physiology of a cell. Nuclear membrane: very thin organic tissue that envelops the nucleus of a cell. Protein: compound composed of amino-acids, with a large molecular weight. Melanin: cutaneous pigment. Cell membrane: fine membrane covering a cell. Ribosome granule: cytoplasmic organelle that plays an important role in the synthesis of proteins in a cell. Glycogen: substance that produces glucose in human organisms. Cytoplasm: gel containing the cell. Endoplasmic reticulum: mesh of fibres in the central part of cytoplasm. Golgi apparatus: granulation system of cytoplasm. Centrioles: ponticulus at the centre of a centrosome. Lysosome: intracellular organelle able to absorb solid particles from the surrounding area. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] Adult female (anterior view): mature female human being. Skull: bony case of the brain. Forehead: part of the face between the hairline and the eyebrows. Temple: part of the head between the eye and the top of the ear. Chin: protuberance of the jaw below the lower lip. Nipple: conical protuberance forming the point of the breast. Breast: part of the human chest which contains the mammary gland. Navel: mark left by the umbilical cord. Pubis: area at the base of the lower abdomen covered by pubic hairs. Thigh: upper part of the lower limb of humans; it contains the femur. Knee: joint between the thigh and the lower leg. Leg: lower part of the lower limb of humans. Foot: part of the lower limb of humans that supports the body when it is standing. Toe: digit of the foot. Hand: part on the end of a human arm, composed of five (5) fingers and used for thouching and holding. Abdomen: lower part of the trunk, containing the digestive organs. Chest or thorax: the part of the upper trunk above the diaphragm and over the ribs. Mouth: entrance to the digestive tract, situated in the lower part of the face. Nose: projecting part of the face between the mouth and the forehead, site of respiration. Ear: external organ of hearing. Cheek: part of the face between the nose and the ear, and the eye and the lower jaw. Eye: sight organ. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] Adult female (lateral view): mature female human being. Face: front part of a humand head. Trunk: central part of the body. Thigh: upper part of the lower limb of humans. Leg: lower part of the lower limb of humans. Foot: part of the lower limb of a human that supports its weight when it is standing. Ankle: joint connecting the leg to the foot. Forearm: part of the upper limb between the wrist and the elbow. Arm: part of the upper limb between the elbow and the shoulder. Shoulder: joint connecting the arm to the trunk. Neck: part of a human being between the trunk and the head; the neck supports the head. Head: upper part of the body, comprising the face and the skull. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] Adult female (posterior view): mature female human being. Hair: hair on the scalp of a human being. Shoulder: joint connecting the arm to the trunk. Back: rear part of the body, between the kidneys and the nape of the neck. Elbow: joint connecting the upper arm and the forearm. Forearm: part of the upper limb between the elbow and the wrist. Hand: part of the end of a human arm, composed of five fingers and used for toucning and holding. Buttock: each of two fleshy parts at the base of the back. Thigh: upper part of the lower limb of humans; it contains the femur. Ankle: joint connecting the leg to the foot. Heel: back part of the foot. Calf: muscular surface at the back of the leg, below the knee. Posterior rugae: crease between the two buttocks. Lumbar region or loin: region of the lower back, in the area of the kidneys. Wrist: joint connecting the forearm and the hand. Hip: part of the side of the body between the waist and the thigh. Shoulder blade: one of two flat triangular bones in the upper back. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] Adult male (anterior view): mature male human being. Skull: bony case of the brain. Forehead: part of the face between the hairline and the eyebrows. Temple: part of the head between the eye and the top of the ear. Chin: protuberance of the jaw below the lower lip. Chest: part of the upper trunk above the diaphragm and over the ribs. Nipple: conical protuberance forming the point of the breast. Breast: part of the human chest which contains the mammary gland. Navel: mark left by the umbilical cord. Abdomen: lower part of the trunk, containing the digestive organs. Pubis: area at the base of the lower abdomen covered by pubic hairs. Penis: external reproductive organ of a human male. Scrotum: small sac under the human penis containing the testicles. Knee: joint between the thigh and the lower leg. Toe: digit of the foot. Abdomen: lower part of the trunk, containing the digestive organs. Thorax: the part of the upper trunk above the diaphragm and over the ribs. Mouth: entrance to the digestive tract, situated in the lower part of the face. Nose: projecting part of the face between the mouth and the forehead, site of respiration. Ear: external organ of hearing. Cheek: part of the face between the nose and the ear, and the eye and the lower jaw. Eye: sight organ. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] Adult male (lateral view): mature male human being. Head: upper part of the body, comprising the face and the skull. Neck: part of a human being between the trunk and the head; the neck supports the head. Shoulder: joint connecting the arm to the trunk. Arm: part of the upper limb between the elbow and the shoulder. Forearm: part of the upper limb between the wrist and the elbow. Ankle: joint connecting the leg to the foot. Foot: part of the lower limb of a human that supports its weight when it is standing. Leg: lower part of the lower limb of humans. Thigh: upper part of the lower limb of humans. Trunk: central part of the body. Face: front part of a humand head. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] Adult male (posterior view): mature male human being. Hair: hair on the scalp of a human being. Shoulder: joint connecting the arm to the trunk. Back: rear part of the body, between the kidneys and the nape of the neck. Elbow: joint connecting the upper arm and the forearm. Forearm: part of the upper limb between the elbow and the wrist. Hand: part of the end of a human arm, composed of five fingers and used for toucning and holding. Buttock: each of two fleshy parts at the base of the back. Thigh: upper part of the lower limb of humans; it contains the femur. Ankle: joint connecting the leg to the foot. Heel: back part of the foot. Calf: muscular surface at the back of the leg, below the knee. Gluteal furrow: crease between the two buttocks. Lumbar region or loin: region of the lower back, in the area of the kidneys. Wrist: joint connecting the forearm and the hand. Hip: part of the side of the body between the waist and the thigh. Shoulder blade: one of two flat triangular bones in the upper back. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] Muscles (anterior view): fibrous organs that produce motion by contracting. Orbicularis oculi: circular muscle of the eyelids. Obricular oris: circular muscle of the lips. Serratuf magnus: finger-shaped muscles between the ribs. External Oblique: muscle whose fibres are oblique in relation to the body when it is standing. Abdominal rectus: abdominal muscle with vertical fibres. Tensor of fascia lata: muscular membrane that stretches and thightens. Great adductor: muscle whose movement runs parallel to the plane of symmetry of the body. Gracilis (slender): vertical muscle of the inner thigh. Lateral great: large muscle of the outer thigh. Gastrocnemius: the two muscles of the calf. Soleus: extensor muscle of the foot. Anterior tibial: muscle of the leg below the knee. Long peroneal: muscle below the peroneals and above the metatarsals. Medial great: large muscle of the outer thigh. Straight muscle of thigh: vertical muscle above the knee. Sartorius: muscle that pivots the lower leg on the thigh and the thigh on the pelvis. Gluteus medius muscle: muscle of the buttock. Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle: muscle that flexes the fingers. Short palmar: small muscle controling the palm of the hand. Long palmar: large muscle controlling the palm of the hand. Brachioradial: muscle used to rotate the hand. Biceps brachi: an arm muscle with two points of attachment. Greator pectoral: bulky chest muscle. Deltoid: triangular shoulder muscle used for abduction of the arm. Trapezius: back muscle between the scapula and the spinal column. Sternocleido mastoid: neck muscle connecting ther sternum to the clavicle and relative to the mastoid process. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] Muscles (lateral view): fibrous organs that produce motion by contracting. Brachial: muscle of the outer arm. Biceps brachi: an arm muscle with two points of attachment. Brachioradial: muscle used to rotate the hand. Ulnar extensor of wrist: muscle connected to the elbow. Triceps of arm: an arm muscle with three points of attachment. Greater pectoral: bulky chest muscle. External oblique: muscle whose fibres are oblique in relation to the body when it is standing. Abdominal rectus: abdominal muscle with vertical fibres. Tensor of fascia lata: muscular membrane that stretches and tightens. Sartorius: muscle that pivots the lower leg on the thigh and the thigh on the pelvis. Straight muscle of thigh: vertical muscle above the knee. Lateral great: large muscle of the outer thigh. Anterior tibial: muscle of the leg below the knee. Long extensor of toes: muscles that extends the toes. Long peroneal: muscle below the peroneals and above the metatarsals. Soleus: extensor muscle of the foot. Gastrocnemius: the two muscles of the calf. Fascia lata: membrane enveloping and supporting a muscle or group of muscles. Biceps of thigh: leg muscles with two points of attachment. Gluteus maximus: large buttock muscle. Gluteus medius: buttock muscle. Broadest of back: large back muscle. Larger round: large muscle involved in the movements of the shoulder. Smaller round: small shoulder muscle. Infraspinous: muscle below the dorsal spine. Trapezius: back muscle between the scapula and the spinal column. Sternocleido mastoid: neck muscle connecting the sternum to the clavicle and relative to the mastoid process. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] Muscles (posterior view): fibrous organs that produce motion by contracting. Broadest of back: large back muscle. Thorocolombar fascia: membrane enveloping the muscles in the area of the kidneys. Lateral great: large muscle of the outer thigh. Fascia lata: membrane enveloping and supporting a muscle or group of muscles. Soleus: extensor muscle of the foot. Gastrocnemius: the two muscles of the calf. Gracilis (slender): vertebral muscle of the inner thigh. Biceps of thigh: leg muscles with two points of attachment. Gluteus maximus: large buttock muscle. Ulnar extensor of wrist: muscle involved in elbow movements. Extensor digit quinti proprius: muscle that extends the fifth finger. Common extensor of fingers: muscle that extends the five fingers. Brachioradial: muscle used to rotate the hand. Triceps of arm: arm muscle with three points of attachment. Larger round: large muscle involved in the movements of the shoulder. Infraspinous: muscle below the dorsal spine. Deltoid: triangular shoulder muscle used for abduction of the arm. Trapezius: back muscle between the scapula and the spinal column. Sternocleido mastoid: neck muscle connecting the sternum to the clavicle and relative to the mastoid process. |
عدل سابقا من قبل هاوى في الأربعاء سبتمبر 23, 2009 5:56 pm عدل 1 مرات
هاوى- عضو ذهبى
- عدد الرسائل : 835
نقاط : 775
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2008
رد: the Visual dictionary
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Skeleton (anterior view): set of
bones making up the framework of human body.
Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.
Mandible: bony lower part of the jaw.
Clavicle: bone of the shoulder girdle, between the sternum and
the scapula.
Manubrium: upper part of the sternum.
Sternum: bone connected to the front of the ribs of the thoracic
Ribs (1 to 7): first bones of the thoracic cage.
False ribs (8, 9, 10): the eight, ninth and tenth ribs of the
thoracic cage, which protect the lower part of the lungs.
Floating ribs (11, 12): last two ribs of the thoracic cage.
Ilium: bone of the pelvic girdle, comprised of the fusion of
the ilium, the ischium and the pubic bone.
Sacrum: bone that is jointed with the hip bone to form the pelvis.
Ischium: one of the bones of the ilium.
Femur: the thigh bone, the longest bone of a human body.
patella: round, flat bone situated over the knee.
Tibia: bone forming the inside of the lower leg.
Fibula: bone forming the outside of the lower leg.
Tarsus: bony area at the back of the foot.
Metatarsus: bones of the foot between the tarsus and the toes.
Distal phalanx: last phalange of a finger.
Middle Phalanx: middle phalange of a finger.
Proximal phalanx: jointed segment of a finger or toe.
Metacarpus: hand bone between the carpus and the phalanges.
Carpus: jointed parts of the hand between the forearm and the
Radius: bone forming the outside of the forearm.
Ulna: bone forming the inside of the forearm.
Humerus: bone of the upper arm.
Scapula: bone of the back of the shoulder.
Malar bone or zygomatic bone: cheek bone.
Nasal bone: bones of the nose.
Temporal: bone of the temple.
Frontal: bone of the forehead.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Skeleton (lateral view): set of
bones making up the framework of human body.
Frontal: bone of the forehead.
Nasal bone: bones of the nose.
Malar or zygomatic bone: cheek bone.
Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.
Mandible: bony lower part of the jaw.
First rib: first bone of the thoracic cage.
Sternum: bone connected to the front of the ribs of the thoracic
False ribs: the eight, ninth and tenth ribs of the thoracic cage,
which protect the lower part of the lungs.
Ilium: bone of the pelvic girdle, comprised of the fusion of
the ilium, the ischium and the pubic bone.
Coccyx: bone comprised of the fused, atrophied vertebrae at the
end of the sacrum.
Sacrum: bone that is jointed with the hip bone to form the pelvis.
Floating ribs: last two ribs of the thoracic cage.
Ribs: bones forming the thoracic cage.
Scapula: bone of the back of the shoulder.
Clavicle: bone of the shoulder girdle, between the sternum and
the scapula.
Rachis: spinal column.
Mastoid: protuberance behind the ear.
Occipital: bone forming the lower back part of the skull.
Temporal: bone of the temple.
Parietal: bones forming the sides and top of the skull.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Osteology of skull: bony case of
the brain of vertebrates.
Frontal: bone of the forehead.
Superciliary arch: arching bone of the eyebrows.
Orbital cavity: hollow part of the skull which contains the eye.
Nasal bone: bones of the nose.
Nasal fossa: bony cavity of the nose.
Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.
Mandible: bony lower part of the jaw.
Malar or zygomatic: cheek bone.
Mastoid process: bony outgrowth of the base of the skull.
Occipital: bone forming the lower back part of the skull.
Temporal: bone of the temple.
Sphenoid: bone at the base of the skull.
Parietal: bones forming the sides and tops of the skull.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Skull (anterior view): bony case
of the brain of vertebrates.
Superciliary arch: arch like bone situated at eyebrows level.
Frontal bone: bone of the forehead.
Glabella: part of the skull between the eyebrows.
Orbital cavity: hollow part of the skull which contains the eye.
Malar or zygomatic bone: cheek bone.
Anterior nasal spine: long, projecting part of the nasal bone.
Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.
Body of the mandible: bony upper part of the jaw.
Mental process: the part of the mandible that forms the chin.
Alveolar part: edge of the buccal cavity, into which the teeth
are set.
Mental foramen: cavity of the chin.
Body of the mandible: main part of the mandible.
Nasal cavity: skull opening related to the nose.
Ramus: bony part connecting the mandible to the skull.
Supraorbital foramen: cavity below the orbit.
Zygomaticofacial foramen: cavity related to the cheek.
Infraorbital margin: lower edge of the orbit.
Fossa for lacrimal sac: opening of the tear duct.
Supraorbital arch: arched bone forming the upper part of the
Supra-orbital foramen: opening above the upper part of the orbit.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Skull (lateral view): bony case
of the brain of vertebrates.
Superciliary arch: arch like bone situated at eyebrows level.
Supraorbital arch: arched bone forming the upper part of the
Fossa for lacrimal sac: opening of the tear duct.
Infraorbital margin: lower edge of the orbit.
Supraorbital arch: arched bone forming the upper part of the
Anterior nasal spine: long, projecting part of the nasal bone.
Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.
Alveolar part: edge of the buccal cavity, into which the teeth
are set.
Mandible: bony lower part of the jaw.
Posterior angle of the malar or zygomatic bone: part behing the
cheek bone.
Zygomatic arch: arched bone of the cheek bone.
Mastoid process: bony outghrowth of the base of the skull.
Mastoid foramen: bony cavity at the base of the ear.
External auditory meatus: canal in the temporal bone that carries
sound to the eardrum.
Temporo mandibular articulation: joint connecting the temporal
bone to the lower jaw.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Skull (posterior view): bony case
of the brain of vertebrates.
Parietal foramen: cavities of the parietal bone near the sagittal
Sagittal suture: seam joining the two parietal bones.
External occipital protuberance: bump on the external surface
of the occipital bone.
Mandible: bony lower part of the jaw.
Mastoid process: bony outgrowth of the base of the skull.
External occipital crest: serrated outgrowth of the occipital
bone, crossing it from top to bottom.
Occipital: bone forming the lower back part of the skull.
Lambdoid suture: seam between the occipital bone and the parietals.
Parietal bone: bones forming the sides and top of the skull.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Skull (upper view): bony case of
the brain of vertebrates.
Frontal bone: bone of the forehead.
Coronal suture: seam between the frontal bone and the parietals.
Sagittal suture: seam between the two parietal bones.
Parietal foramen: cavities of the parietal bone near the sagittal
Lambdoidal suture: seam between the occipital bone and the parietals.
Occipital bone: bone forming the lower back part of the skull.
Parietal bone: protuberance on the parietal bone.
Frontal eminence: protuberance on the side of the frontal bone.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Base of the skull (exterior view):
bony case of the brain of vertebrates.
Incisive foramen: cavity of the part of the jaw that contains
the incisors.
Median palatine suture: seam between the two halves of the palate.
Zygomatic process temporal: bony outgrowth of the cheek bone
on the temporal bone.
Palatine suture: seam joining the palate and the jaw.
Occipitomastoid suture: seam between the occipital bone and the
Condylar fossa: tube of the smooth, rounded rear surface of the
External occipital protuberance: bump on the external surface
of the occipital bone.
External occipital crest: serrate outgrowth of the occipital
bone, crossing it from top to bottom.
Occipital foramen: cavity in the occipital bone on the rear surface
of the skull.
Occipital condyle: smooth, rounded surface of the occipital bone.
Scaphoid fossa: shallow cavity of the scaphoid bone.
Greater palatine foramen: main cavity of the palate.
Malar or zygomatic bone: cheek bone.
Incisive suture: seam between the palate and the cavity of the
part of the jaw that contains the incisors.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Evolution of the skull (exterior view):
bony case of the brain of vertebrates.
Human evolution is the part of biological evolution concerning the emergence
of humans as a distinct species. It is the subject of a broad scientific
inquiry that seeks to understand and describe how this change and development
occurred. The study of human evolution encompasses many scientific disciplines,
most notably physical anthropology, linguistics and genetics. The term
"human", in the context of human evolution, refers to the
genus Homo, but studies of human evolution usually include [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط],
such as the [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط].
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Vertebral column or rachis (front view):
bony axis of vertebrates, comprised of the set of vertabrae from the
base of the skull to the pelvis.
Coccyx region: bone comprised of the fused, atrophied vertebrae
at the end of the sacrum.
Sacral region (sacral curve): bone that is jointed with the hip
bone to form the pelvis.
Lumbar region (lumbar curve): the part of the spine in the area
of the loins (5 vertabrae).
Thoracic region (thoracic curve): the part of the spine in the
area of the thoracic cage (12 vertebrae).
Cervical region (cervical curve): the part of the spine in the
area of the neck (7 vertebrae).
Skeleton (anterior view): set of
bones making up the framework of human body.
Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.
Mandible: bony lower part of the jaw.
Clavicle: bone of the shoulder girdle, between the sternum and
the scapula.
Manubrium: upper part of the sternum.
Sternum: bone connected to the front of the ribs of the thoracic
Ribs (1 to 7): first bones of the thoracic cage.
False ribs (8, 9, 10): the eight, ninth and tenth ribs of the
thoracic cage, which protect the lower part of the lungs.
Floating ribs (11, 12): last two ribs of the thoracic cage.
Ilium: bone of the pelvic girdle, comprised of the fusion of
the ilium, the ischium and the pubic bone.
Sacrum: bone that is jointed with the hip bone to form the pelvis.
Ischium: one of the bones of the ilium.
Femur: the thigh bone, the longest bone of a human body.
patella: round, flat bone situated over the knee.
Tibia: bone forming the inside of the lower leg.
Fibula: bone forming the outside of the lower leg.
Tarsus: bony area at the back of the foot.
Metatarsus: bones of the foot between the tarsus and the toes.
Distal phalanx: last phalange of a finger.
Middle Phalanx: middle phalange of a finger.
Proximal phalanx: jointed segment of a finger or toe.
Metacarpus: hand bone between the carpus and the phalanges.
Carpus: jointed parts of the hand between the forearm and the
Radius: bone forming the outside of the forearm.
Ulna: bone forming the inside of the forearm.
Humerus: bone of the upper arm.
Scapula: bone of the back of the shoulder.
Malar bone or zygomatic bone: cheek bone.
Nasal bone: bones of the nose.
Temporal: bone of the temple.
Frontal: bone of the forehead.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Skeleton (lateral view): set of
bones making up the framework of human body.
Frontal: bone of the forehead.
Nasal bone: bones of the nose.
Malar or zygomatic bone: cheek bone.
Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.
Mandible: bony lower part of the jaw.
First rib: first bone of the thoracic cage.
Sternum: bone connected to the front of the ribs of the thoracic
False ribs: the eight, ninth and tenth ribs of the thoracic cage,
which protect the lower part of the lungs.
Ilium: bone of the pelvic girdle, comprised of the fusion of
the ilium, the ischium and the pubic bone.
Coccyx: bone comprised of the fused, atrophied vertebrae at the
end of the sacrum.
Sacrum: bone that is jointed with the hip bone to form the pelvis.
Floating ribs: last two ribs of the thoracic cage.
Ribs: bones forming the thoracic cage.
Scapula: bone of the back of the shoulder.
Clavicle: bone of the shoulder girdle, between the sternum and
the scapula.
Rachis: spinal column.
Mastoid: protuberance behind the ear.
Occipital: bone forming the lower back part of the skull.
Temporal: bone of the temple.
Parietal: bones forming the sides and top of the skull.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Osteology of skull: bony case of
the brain of vertebrates.
Frontal: bone of the forehead.
Superciliary arch: arching bone of the eyebrows.
Orbital cavity: hollow part of the skull which contains the eye.
Nasal bone: bones of the nose.
Nasal fossa: bony cavity of the nose.
Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.
Mandible: bony lower part of the jaw.
Malar or zygomatic: cheek bone.
Mastoid process: bony outgrowth of the base of the skull.
Occipital: bone forming the lower back part of the skull.
Temporal: bone of the temple.
Sphenoid: bone at the base of the skull.
Parietal: bones forming the sides and tops of the skull.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Skull (anterior view): bony case
of the brain of vertebrates.
Superciliary arch: arch like bone situated at eyebrows level.
Frontal bone: bone of the forehead.
Glabella: part of the skull between the eyebrows.
Orbital cavity: hollow part of the skull which contains the eye.
Malar or zygomatic bone: cheek bone.
Anterior nasal spine: long, projecting part of the nasal bone.
Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.
Body of the mandible: bony upper part of the jaw.
Mental process: the part of the mandible that forms the chin.
Alveolar part: edge of the buccal cavity, into which the teeth
are set.
Mental foramen: cavity of the chin.
Body of the mandible: main part of the mandible.
Nasal cavity: skull opening related to the nose.
Ramus: bony part connecting the mandible to the skull.
Supraorbital foramen: cavity below the orbit.
Zygomaticofacial foramen: cavity related to the cheek.
Infraorbital margin: lower edge of the orbit.
Fossa for lacrimal sac: opening of the tear duct.
Supraorbital arch: arched bone forming the upper part of the
Supra-orbital foramen: opening above the upper part of the orbit.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Skull (lateral view): bony case
of the brain of vertebrates.
Superciliary arch: arch like bone situated at eyebrows level.
Supraorbital arch: arched bone forming the upper part of the
Fossa for lacrimal sac: opening of the tear duct.
Infraorbital margin: lower edge of the orbit.
Supraorbital arch: arched bone forming the upper part of the
Anterior nasal spine: long, projecting part of the nasal bone.
Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.
Alveolar part: edge of the buccal cavity, into which the teeth
are set.
Mandible: bony lower part of the jaw.
Posterior angle of the malar or zygomatic bone: part behing the
cheek bone.
Zygomatic arch: arched bone of the cheek bone.
Mastoid process: bony outghrowth of the base of the skull.
Mastoid foramen: bony cavity at the base of the ear.
External auditory meatus: canal in the temporal bone that carries
sound to the eardrum.
Temporo mandibular articulation: joint connecting the temporal
bone to the lower jaw.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Skull (posterior view): bony case
of the brain of vertebrates.
Parietal foramen: cavities of the parietal bone near the sagittal
Sagittal suture: seam joining the two parietal bones.
External occipital protuberance: bump on the external surface
of the occipital bone.
Mandible: bony lower part of the jaw.
Mastoid process: bony outgrowth of the base of the skull.
External occipital crest: serrated outgrowth of the occipital
bone, crossing it from top to bottom.
Occipital: bone forming the lower back part of the skull.
Lambdoid suture: seam between the occipital bone and the parietals.
Parietal bone: bones forming the sides and top of the skull.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Skull (upper view): bony case of
the brain of vertebrates.
Frontal bone: bone of the forehead.
Coronal suture: seam between the frontal bone and the parietals.
Sagittal suture: seam between the two parietal bones.
Parietal foramen: cavities of the parietal bone near the sagittal
Lambdoidal suture: seam between the occipital bone and the parietals.
Occipital bone: bone forming the lower back part of the skull.
Parietal bone: protuberance on the parietal bone.
Frontal eminence: protuberance on the side of the frontal bone.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Base of the skull (exterior view):
bony case of the brain of vertebrates.
Incisive foramen: cavity of the part of the jaw that contains
the incisors.
Median palatine suture: seam between the two halves of the palate.
Zygomatic process temporal: bony outgrowth of the cheek bone
on the temporal bone.
Palatine suture: seam joining the palate and the jaw.
Occipitomastoid suture: seam between the occipital bone and the
Condylar fossa: tube of the smooth, rounded rear surface of the
External occipital protuberance: bump on the external surface
of the occipital bone.
External occipital crest: serrate outgrowth of the occipital
bone, crossing it from top to bottom.
Occipital foramen: cavity in the occipital bone on the rear surface
of the skull.
Occipital condyle: smooth, rounded surface of the occipital bone.
Scaphoid fossa: shallow cavity of the scaphoid bone.
Greater palatine foramen: main cavity of the palate.
Malar or zygomatic bone: cheek bone.
Incisive suture: seam between the palate and the cavity of the
part of the jaw that contains the incisors.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Evolution of the skull (exterior view):
bony case of the brain of vertebrates.
Human evolution is the part of biological evolution concerning the emergence
of humans as a distinct species. It is the subject of a broad scientific
inquiry that seeks to understand and describe how this change and development
occurred. The study of human evolution encompasses many scientific disciplines,
most notably physical anthropology, linguistics and genetics. The term
"human", in the context of human evolution, refers to the
genus Homo, but studies of human evolution usually include [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط],
such as the [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط].
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Vertebral column or rachis (front view):
bony axis of vertebrates, comprised of the set of vertabrae from the
base of the skull to the pelvis.
Coccyx region: bone comprised of the fused, atrophied vertebrae
at the end of the sacrum.
Sacral region (sacral curve): bone that is jointed with the hip
bone to form the pelvis.
Lumbar region (lumbar curve): the part of the spine in the area
of the loins (5 vertabrae).
Thoracic region (thoracic curve): the part of the spine in the
area of the thoracic cage (12 vertebrae).
Cervical region (cervical curve): the part of the spine in the
area of the neck (7 vertebrae).
هاوى- عضو ذهبى
- عدد الرسائل : 835
نقاط : 775
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2008
رد: the Visual dictionary
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Vertebral column or rachis (profile
view): bony axis of vertebrates, comprised of the set of vertabrae
from the base of the skull to the pelvis.
5 fused vertebrae: the vertebrae that form the end of the spine,
the coccyx.
Coccyx region: bone comprised of the fused, atrophied vertebrae
at the end of the sacrum.
Sacral region: bone that is jointed with the hip bone to form
the pelvis.
Lumbar region: the part of the spine in the area of the loins
(5 vertabrae).
Thoracic region: the part of the spine in the area of the thoracic
cage (12 vertebrae).
Cervical region: the part of the spine in the area of the neck
(7 vertebrae).
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Vertebra (lateral view): set of
bones of the spinal column.
Body: main part of the vertebra.
Pedicle: part of the vertebra that supports and holds it in place.
Superior articular process: outgrowth of the top part of a vertebra.
Transverse process: one of two outgrowths of the vertebra, which
are aligned horizontally across the spine.
Spinous process: outgrowth at the back of a vertebra that juts
out under the skin.
Inferior articular process: outgrowth at the base of a vertebra.
Vertebral foramen: cavity of a vertebra through which pass the
spinal nerves.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Vertebra: set of bones of the spinal
Spinal cord: substance belonging to the nervous system, located
in the holes of the vertebrae.
Superior articular process: outgrowth of the top part of a vertebra.
Transverse process: one of two outgrowths of the vertebra, which
are aligned horizontally across the spine.
Neural or medullary canal: type of tube containing the spinal
Spinous process: outgrowth at the back of a vertebra that juts
out under the skin.
Spinal nerve: branch of nerves emerging from the spinal cord.
Vertebral foramen: cavity of a vertebra through which pass the
spinal nerves.
Vertebral body: main part of a vertebra.
Intervertebral disk: flat part on top of the body of a vertebra.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Spinal cord: central neural tissue
of the spine, composed of a soft, fatty substance that transmits nerve
impulses between the brain, the organs and the limbs.
Dura mater: projecting part at the back of a vertebra.
Posterior root of nerve: rear branch of a nerve.
Spinal nerve: nerve emerging from the spinal cord.
Anterior root of nerve: front branch of a nerve.
Spinal cord: substance belonging to the nervous system, located
in the holes of the vertebrae.
Spinal nerve: nerve emerging from the spinal cord.
Intervertebral disk: flat part on top of the body of a vertebra.
Vertebra: each of the bones of the spinal column.
Neural or medullary canal: type of tube containing the spinal
Pia mater: projection part at the front of a vertebra.
Internal grey matter: substance rich in neurons.
White matter: fascia of medullated nerve-fibres.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Ribcage: set of bones including
the dorsal vertebrae, the ribs and the sternum, that encloses the heart
and lungs of vertebrates.
Manubrium: part at the top of the sternum where the ribs end.
Acromium: spatula-shaped outgrowth of the scapula.
Coracoid process: outgrowth on the upper edge of the scapula.
Scapula: one of two flat, triangular bones of the back.
Ribs: bones forming the thoracic cage.
Location of heart: place in which the heart is lodged.
Xiphoid process: outgrowth of the bottom of the sternum.
Costal cartilage: flexible, elastic tissue of the ribs.
Kidney: organ that filters out bodily waste.
Stomach: pocket-like part of the digestive tract, site of the
mixing and retention of nutriments.
Duodenum (beginning): beginning of the small intestine.
Ereter: canal that carries the urine from the kidney to the bladder.
Pylorus: hole through which the stomach empties into the duodenum.
Liver: bile-producing digestive gland.
Sternum: bone connected to the front of the ribs of the thoracic
Lung: sac-like organ, the site of respiration.
Costal cartilage: cartilage between the ribs and the sternum.
Gleonid cavity: socket for the articulation with the arm.
Clavicle: bone of the shoulder girdle, between the sternum and
the scapula.
Vertebral column or spinal column: set of vertebrae, containing
in its centre the spinal cord.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Types of joints found in the human
body: junction of two bones that permits movement.
Ribs and vertebrae = semi-mobile joints: ribs: bones of the thoracic
cage. Vertebra: each of the bones of the spinal column. Semi-mobile
joints: very restricted flexibility.
Vertebrae = cartilaginous joints: vertebra: each of the bones
of the spinal column. Cartilaginous joints: flexibility due to cartilage,
an elastic tissue.
Skull = immovable joints: skull: bony case of the brain. Fixed
joints: joints that do not allow flexibility.
Elbow = hinged joint: elbow: joint connecting the forearm to
the upper arm. Hinged joint: flexible in only one direction.
Hip = ball and socket joint: hip: part on the side of the body,
between the waist and the top of the thigh. Ball and socket joint: flexibility
due to a domed bone that turns in a cavity of the same shape.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Bones of the hand (dorsal view):
a hard, solid organ of the skeleton of the hand in vertebrates. The
human hand is at the end of the arm and is composed of five digits.
Index: second finger of the hand, next to the thumb.
Second finger: middle finger of the hand.
Third finger: second finger from the outside of the hand.
Fourth finger: small finger closest to the outside of the hand.
Distal phalanx: bone at the end of a finger.
Middle phalanx: small, middle bone of a finger.
Proximal phalanx: small bone of a finger, closest to the palm
of the hand.
Phalanges: jointed segment of a finger.
Metacarpal bones: bones of the hand between the carpals and the
Carpometacarpal joint (CM): joint of the carpus and metacarpus.
Carpal bones: jointed parts of the hand between the forearm and
the metacarpals.
Thumb: the largest, shortest and most important of the digits
of the hand.
Metacarpophalangeal joint (MP): joint between the metacarpals
and the phalanges.
Interphalangeal joint (IP): joint between the first and second
Interphalangeal joint (IP): joint between the second and third
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Finger (sagittal section): jointed
appendage at the end of a human hand (thumb, index finger, middle finger,
third finger, little finter).
Head of metacarpal: top of the metacarpal bone.
Tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis: tissue that connects
the flexor sublimus digitorum to the phalange.
Proximal phalanx: first phalange.
Tendon of extensor: tissue that connects the extensor to the
Tendon of flexor digitorum profundus: tissue that connects the
flexor profundus digitorum to the phalange.
Articular cartilage: elastic substance that allows flexibility
of the joints between the phalanges.
Pad: fleshy part at the end of a finger.
Middle phalanx: second phalange.
Dermis: tissue forming the central layer of the skin.
Distal phalanx: third phalange.
Nail: horny plate on the dorsal surface of the end of a finger.
Epidermis: tissue forming the outer layer of the skin.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Finger (longutudinal section):
jointed appendage at the end of a human hand (thumb, index finger, middle
finger, third finger, little finter).
Epidermis: tissue forming the outer layer of the skin.
Nailbed: part of the nail under the skin, from which the nail
Nail: horny plate on the dorsal surface of the end of a finger.
Dermis: tissue forming the central layer of the skin.
Pad: part of the finger containing the flesh that forms the digital
Distal phhalanx: third jointed segment of a finger.
Interphalangeal joint (IP): joint between the second and third
Middle phalanx: second jointed segment of a finger.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Finger nail: thin, flat, horny
part covering the top of the end of the toes and fingers in a large
number of vertebrates.
Cuticle: small thin skin.
Eponchium: cuticular fold.
Lunula: white, crescent-shaped area at the base of the nail.
Nail: horny plate on the dorsal surface of the end of a finger.
Vertebral column or rachis (profile
view): bony axis of vertebrates, comprised of the set of vertabrae
from the base of the skull to the pelvis.
5 fused vertebrae: the vertebrae that form the end of the spine,
the coccyx.
Coccyx region: bone comprised of the fused, atrophied vertebrae
at the end of the sacrum.
Sacral region: bone that is jointed with the hip bone to form
the pelvis.
Lumbar region: the part of the spine in the area of the loins
(5 vertabrae).
Thoracic region: the part of the spine in the area of the thoracic
cage (12 vertebrae).
Cervical region: the part of the spine in the area of the neck
(7 vertebrae).
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Vertebra (lateral view): set of
bones of the spinal column.
Body: main part of the vertebra.
Pedicle: part of the vertebra that supports and holds it in place.
Superior articular process: outgrowth of the top part of a vertebra.
Transverse process: one of two outgrowths of the vertebra, which
are aligned horizontally across the spine.
Spinous process: outgrowth at the back of a vertebra that juts
out under the skin.
Inferior articular process: outgrowth at the base of a vertebra.
Vertebral foramen: cavity of a vertebra through which pass the
spinal nerves.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Vertebra: set of bones of the spinal
Spinal cord: substance belonging to the nervous system, located
in the holes of the vertebrae.
Superior articular process: outgrowth of the top part of a vertebra.
Transverse process: one of two outgrowths of the vertebra, which
are aligned horizontally across the spine.
Neural or medullary canal: type of tube containing the spinal
Spinous process: outgrowth at the back of a vertebra that juts
out under the skin.
Spinal nerve: branch of nerves emerging from the spinal cord.
Vertebral foramen: cavity of a vertebra through which pass the
spinal nerves.
Vertebral body: main part of a vertebra.
Intervertebral disk: flat part on top of the body of a vertebra.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Spinal cord: central neural tissue
of the spine, composed of a soft, fatty substance that transmits nerve
impulses between the brain, the organs and the limbs.
Dura mater: projecting part at the back of a vertebra.
Posterior root of nerve: rear branch of a nerve.
Spinal nerve: nerve emerging from the spinal cord.
Anterior root of nerve: front branch of a nerve.
Spinal cord: substance belonging to the nervous system, located
in the holes of the vertebrae.
Spinal nerve: nerve emerging from the spinal cord.
Intervertebral disk: flat part on top of the body of a vertebra.
Vertebra: each of the bones of the spinal column.
Neural or medullary canal: type of tube containing the spinal
Pia mater: projection part at the front of a vertebra.
Internal grey matter: substance rich in neurons.
White matter: fascia of medullated nerve-fibres.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Ribcage: set of bones including
the dorsal vertebrae, the ribs and the sternum, that encloses the heart
and lungs of vertebrates.
Manubrium: part at the top of the sternum where the ribs end.
Acromium: spatula-shaped outgrowth of the scapula.
Coracoid process: outgrowth on the upper edge of the scapula.
Scapula: one of two flat, triangular bones of the back.
Ribs: bones forming the thoracic cage.
Location of heart: place in which the heart is lodged.
Xiphoid process: outgrowth of the bottom of the sternum.
Costal cartilage: flexible, elastic tissue of the ribs.
Kidney: organ that filters out bodily waste.
Stomach: pocket-like part of the digestive tract, site of the
mixing and retention of nutriments.
Duodenum (beginning): beginning of the small intestine.
Ereter: canal that carries the urine from the kidney to the bladder.
Pylorus: hole through which the stomach empties into the duodenum.
Liver: bile-producing digestive gland.
Sternum: bone connected to the front of the ribs of the thoracic
Lung: sac-like organ, the site of respiration.
Costal cartilage: cartilage between the ribs and the sternum.
Gleonid cavity: socket for the articulation with the arm.
Clavicle: bone of the shoulder girdle, between the sternum and
the scapula.
Vertebral column or spinal column: set of vertebrae, containing
in its centre the spinal cord.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Types of joints found in the human
body: junction of two bones that permits movement.
Ribs and vertebrae = semi-mobile joints: ribs: bones of the thoracic
cage. Vertebra: each of the bones of the spinal column. Semi-mobile
joints: very restricted flexibility.
Vertebrae = cartilaginous joints: vertebra: each of the bones
of the spinal column. Cartilaginous joints: flexibility due to cartilage,
an elastic tissue.
Skull = immovable joints: skull: bony case of the brain. Fixed
joints: joints that do not allow flexibility.
Elbow = hinged joint: elbow: joint connecting the forearm to
the upper arm. Hinged joint: flexible in only one direction.
Hip = ball and socket joint: hip: part on the side of the body,
between the waist and the top of the thigh. Ball and socket joint: flexibility
due to a domed bone that turns in a cavity of the same shape.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Bones of the hand (dorsal view):
a hard, solid organ of the skeleton of the hand in vertebrates. The
human hand is at the end of the arm and is composed of five digits.
Index: second finger of the hand, next to the thumb.
Second finger: middle finger of the hand.
Third finger: second finger from the outside of the hand.
Fourth finger: small finger closest to the outside of the hand.
Distal phalanx: bone at the end of a finger.
Middle phalanx: small, middle bone of a finger.
Proximal phalanx: small bone of a finger, closest to the palm
of the hand.
Phalanges: jointed segment of a finger.
Metacarpal bones: bones of the hand between the carpals and the
Carpometacarpal joint (CM): joint of the carpus and metacarpus.
Carpal bones: jointed parts of the hand between the forearm and
the metacarpals.
Thumb: the largest, shortest and most important of the digits
of the hand.
Metacarpophalangeal joint (MP): joint between the metacarpals
and the phalanges.
Interphalangeal joint (IP): joint between the first and second
Interphalangeal joint (IP): joint between the second and third
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Finger (sagittal section): jointed
appendage at the end of a human hand (thumb, index finger, middle finger,
third finger, little finter).
Head of metacarpal: top of the metacarpal bone.
Tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis: tissue that connects
the flexor sublimus digitorum to the phalange.
Proximal phalanx: first phalange.
Tendon of extensor: tissue that connects the extensor to the
Tendon of flexor digitorum profundus: tissue that connects the
flexor profundus digitorum to the phalange.
Articular cartilage: elastic substance that allows flexibility
of the joints between the phalanges.
Pad: fleshy part at the end of a finger.
Middle phalanx: second phalange.
Dermis: tissue forming the central layer of the skin.
Distal phalanx: third phalange.
Nail: horny plate on the dorsal surface of the end of a finger.
Epidermis: tissue forming the outer layer of the skin.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Finger (longutudinal section):
jointed appendage at the end of a human hand (thumb, index finger, middle
finger, third finger, little finter).
Epidermis: tissue forming the outer layer of the skin.
Nailbed: part of the nail under the skin, from which the nail
Nail: horny plate on the dorsal surface of the end of a finger.
Dermis: tissue forming the central layer of the skin.
Pad: part of the finger containing the flesh that forms the digital
Distal phhalanx: third jointed segment of a finger.
Interphalangeal joint (IP): joint between the second and third
Middle phalanx: second jointed segment of a finger.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Finger nail: thin, flat, horny
part covering the top of the end of the toes and fingers in a large
number of vertebrates.
Cuticle: small thin skin.
Eponchium: cuticular fold.
Lunula: white, crescent-shaped area at the base of the nail.
Nail: horny plate on the dorsal surface of the end of a finger.
هاوى- عضو ذهبى
- عدد الرسائل : 835
نقاط : 775
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2008
رد: the Visual dictionary
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Bones of the foot (dorsal view):
five-toed organ at the end of a human leg that supports the body and
is used for walking.
Great toe: the largest of the digits of the foot, situated on
its inner edge.
2nd toe: digit of the foot between the big toe and the third
3rd toe: middle digit of the foot.
4th toe: digit of the foot between the third toe and the little
Little toe: the smallest of the digits of the foot, situated
on its outer edge.
Distal phalanx: bone at the end of a toe.
Middle phalanx: small central bone of a toe.
Proximal phalanx: the small bone of a toe closest to the foot.
Phalanges of the toes: jointed segments of a toe.
Metatarsal bones: parts of the skeleton of a foot between the
tarsus and the toes.
Tarsal bones: te back of the skeleton of a foot.
Tarsometatarsal joint (TM): flexible joint connecting the tarsal
and the metatarsal bones.
Metatarsophalangeal joint (MT): flexible joint connecting the
metatarsal bone and the phalange.
Interphalangeal joint: joint between the first and second phalanges.
Interphalangeal joint (IP): joint between the second and third
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Foot (plantar view): five-toed
organ at the end of a human leg that supports the body and is used for
Talocalcaneal ligement: strong, dense fibrous tissue connecting
the astragalus and the calcaneum.
Calcaneus: projecting bone of the tarsus that forms the heel.
Plantar fascia: membrane enveloping the muscle in the plantar
area of the foot. Its extension attach the bones to the muscles.
Tendon of flexor digitorum longus: tissue that attaches the flexor
longus digitorum to the third phalange.
Tendon of extensor digitorum longus: tissue that attaches the
extensor longus digitorum to the third phalange.
Head of the metatarsal: end of the metatarsal bone.
Cuneiform bone: central bone of the tarsus.
Navicular: small, boat-shaped bone of the foot.
Talus: bone of the tarsus that is jointed with the fibula and
the tibia.
Distal extremity of the tibia: the end of the tibia closest to
the foot.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Parts of a tooth: hard organ composed
of dentin and enamel, used for biting and for chewing food.
Crown: visible part of the tooth.
Neck: division between the crown and root of a tooth.
Root: part of the tooth implanted in the gum.
Apex: point of a tooth.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Tooth (section of a molar): hard
organ composed of dentine and enamel, used for biting and for chewing
Enamel: hard substance covering the crown of a tooth.
Blood vessels and nerves: blood vessel: tube through which blood
circulates. Nerve: conductive strand that transmits nerve impulses to
the brain.
Gum: mucous membrane that surrounds the root of the tooth and
covers the maxillary periosteum.
Pulp cavity: tube in the root of a tooth.
Maxillary bone: bony part of the jaw.
Dentin: hard, elastic substance of a tooth.
Periodontium: tissue that supports the tooth.
Cementum: tissue that covers the root of a tooth.
Alveolar bone: bone into which the teeth are set.
Root: part of the tooth implanted in the gum.
Neck: division between the crown and root of a tooth.
Crown: visible part of a tooth.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Dental arch of adult: arching organ,
composed of teeth, on the edges of the maxillae. It includes the incisors,
the canines, the premolars and the molars.
Incisors (4): single-rooted teeth used for biting and cutting.
Canines (2): pointed teeth between the premolars and the incisors.
Molars (6): large teeth used for grinding.
Premolars (4): teeth between the canines and the molars.
Mandible (16 teeth): bony lower part of the jaw.
Maxilla (16 teeth): bony upper part of the jaw.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Cross section of skin: organ that
forms the outer covering of a human body.
Pores: minute holes from which sweat and sebum are secreted.
Hair shaft: a filament that grows from the skin.
Epidermis: outer layer of the skin.
Dermins or true skin: middle layer of the skin.
Sebaceous gland: gland that secretes sebum, which lubricates
the skin and hair.
Subcutaneous tissue: deep subcutaneous layer.
Connective tissue: tissue that consists of cells and fibres and
which connects and supports.
Matrix: cells that allow hair growth copyright bernard dery infovisual.
Nerve ending: part of the skin that senses stimuli.
Adipose tissue (fat): fat-producing cells.
Arteriole: network of blood vessels that carries blood from the
heart to the organs.
Venule: network of blood vessels that carries blood from the
organs to the heart.
Sweat gland: gland that produces and secretes sweat.
Pilo erectile muscle: muscle that elevates the hair.
Capillaries: blood vessels that allow the exchange of various
nutriments and wastes among cells.
Sweat pore: minute hole that secretes perspiration.
Skin surface: top of the epidermis.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Hair follicle: sac-like anatomical
structure from which hair grows.
Sebaceous gland: gland that secretes sebum, which lubricates
the skin and hair.
Arrector pili muscle: muscle that elevates the hair.
Root of hair: part of the hair implanted in the dermis.
Papilla: part of the hair connected to the conjunctival tissue.
Inner root sheath: sheath formed of several layers of cells.
Connective tissue sheath: girdle enclosing the epithelial sheath
and connecting to the conjunctival tissue.
Epidermis: outer layer of the skin.
Hair shaft: a filament that grows from the skin.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Nervous system: set of nerves,
ganglions and nervous centers that receive sensory signal. Commands
and coordinates vital functions.
Brachial plexus: network of nerves of the arm.
Intercostal nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses between the
Radial nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses in the area of the
Median nerve: main cord conducting nerve impulses in the upper
Ulnar nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses in the area of the
Lumbar plexus: network of nerves of the lower back.
Sciatic nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses in the area of
the thigh and lower leg.
Common peroneal nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses along the
inside of the lower leg.
Superficial peroneal nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses of
the muscles and skin of the leg.
Digital nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses of the fingers.
Sacral plexus: network of nerves of the sacrum.
Spinal cord: substance belonging to the nervous system, found
in the holes of the vertebrae.
Cerebellum: nervous centre situated under the brain.
Cerebrum: seat of the mental capacities.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Nervous system: spinal nerves:
whitish cords transmitting outgoing signals, from the brain to the organs.
Cervical nerves (innervate the neck and the arms): cords conducting
nerve impulses from the neck and arms to the cerebellum via the spinal
Intercostal nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses between the
Lumbar and sacral nerves (innervate the legs and pelvic organs):
nerves originating in the lower back and extending into the pelvis and
Sacral plexus: network of nerves of the sacrum.
Lumbar plexus: network of nerves of the lower back.
Spinal cord: substance belonging to the nervous system, found
in the holes of the vertebrae.
Brachial plexus: network of nerves of the arm.
Cerebrum: seat of the mental capacities.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Sensory impulse: phenomenon of
polarization and depolarization through which the abnormal acticity
of a fibre spreads through a nerve.
Sensory neuron: nerve cord carrying sensory stimuli to the brain.
Dendrite: cytoplasmic extension of a nerve cell.
Cell body: part of the nerve cell between the axon and the dendrite.
Axon: extension of a neuron.
Motor neuron: nerve that produces muscular activity.
Motor end plate: muscular organ that becomes active in response
to stimuli.
Myelin sheath: envelope of phosphorated fats.
Receptor (free nerve ending): receiver of nervous stimuli.
Bones of the foot (dorsal view):
five-toed organ at the end of a human leg that supports the body and
is used for walking.
Great toe: the largest of the digits of the foot, situated on
its inner edge.
2nd toe: digit of the foot between the big toe and the third
3rd toe: middle digit of the foot.
4th toe: digit of the foot between the third toe and the little
Little toe: the smallest of the digits of the foot, situated
on its outer edge.
Distal phalanx: bone at the end of a toe.
Middle phalanx: small central bone of a toe.
Proximal phalanx: the small bone of a toe closest to the foot.
Phalanges of the toes: jointed segments of a toe.
Metatarsal bones: parts of the skeleton of a foot between the
tarsus and the toes.
Tarsal bones: te back of the skeleton of a foot.
Tarsometatarsal joint (TM): flexible joint connecting the tarsal
and the metatarsal bones.
Metatarsophalangeal joint (MT): flexible joint connecting the
metatarsal bone and the phalange.
Interphalangeal joint: joint between the first and second phalanges.
Interphalangeal joint (IP): joint between the second and third
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Foot (plantar view): five-toed
organ at the end of a human leg that supports the body and is used for
Talocalcaneal ligement: strong, dense fibrous tissue connecting
the astragalus and the calcaneum.
Calcaneus: projecting bone of the tarsus that forms the heel.
Plantar fascia: membrane enveloping the muscle in the plantar
area of the foot. Its extension attach the bones to the muscles.
Tendon of flexor digitorum longus: tissue that attaches the flexor
longus digitorum to the third phalange.
Tendon of extensor digitorum longus: tissue that attaches the
extensor longus digitorum to the third phalange.
Head of the metatarsal: end of the metatarsal bone.
Cuneiform bone: central bone of the tarsus.
Navicular: small, boat-shaped bone of the foot.
Talus: bone of the tarsus that is jointed with the fibula and
the tibia.
Distal extremity of the tibia: the end of the tibia closest to
the foot.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Parts of a tooth: hard organ composed
of dentin and enamel, used for biting and for chewing food.
Crown: visible part of the tooth.
Neck: division between the crown and root of a tooth.
Root: part of the tooth implanted in the gum.
Apex: point of a tooth.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Tooth (section of a molar): hard
organ composed of dentine and enamel, used for biting and for chewing
Enamel: hard substance covering the crown of a tooth.
Blood vessels and nerves: blood vessel: tube through which blood
circulates. Nerve: conductive strand that transmits nerve impulses to
the brain.
Gum: mucous membrane that surrounds the root of the tooth and
covers the maxillary periosteum.
Pulp cavity: tube in the root of a tooth.
Maxillary bone: bony part of the jaw.
Dentin: hard, elastic substance of a tooth.
Periodontium: tissue that supports the tooth.
Cementum: tissue that covers the root of a tooth.
Alveolar bone: bone into which the teeth are set.
Root: part of the tooth implanted in the gum.
Neck: division between the crown and root of a tooth.
Crown: visible part of a tooth.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Dental arch of adult: arching organ,
composed of teeth, on the edges of the maxillae. It includes the incisors,
the canines, the premolars and the molars.
Incisors (4): single-rooted teeth used for biting and cutting.
Canines (2): pointed teeth between the premolars and the incisors.
Molars (6): large teeth used for grinding.
Premolars (4): teeth between the canines and the molars.
Mandible (16 teeth): bony lower part of the jaw.
Maxilla (16 teeth): bony upper part of the jaw.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Cross section of skin: organ that
forms the outer covering of a human body.
Pores: minute holes from which sweat and sebum are secreted.
Hair shaft: a filament that grows from the skin.
Epidermis: outer layer of the skin.
Dermins or true skin: middle layer of the skin.
Sebaceous gland: gland that secretes sebum, which lubricates
the skin and hair.
Subcutaneous tissue: deep subcutaneous layer.
Connective tissue: tissue that consists of cells and fibres and
which connects and supports.
Matrix: cells that allow hair growth copyright bernard dery infovisual.
Nerve ending: part of the skin that senses stimuli.
Adipose tissue (fat): fat-producing cells.
Arteriole: network of blood vessels that carries blood from the
heart to the organs.
Venule: network of blood vessels that carries blood from the
organs to the heart.
Sweat gland: gland that produces and secretes sweat.
Pilo erectile muscle: muscle that elevates the hair.
Capillaries: blood vessels that allow the exchange of various
nutriments and wastes among cells.
Sweat pore: minute hole that secretes perspiration.
Skin surface: top of the epidermis.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Hair follicle: sac-like anatomical
structure from which hair grows.
Sebaceous gland: gland that secretes sebum, which lubricates
the skin and hair.
Arrector pili muscle: muscle that elevates the hair.
Root of hair: part of the hair implanted in the dermis.
Papilla: part of the hair connected to the conjunctival tissue.
Inner root sheath: sheath formed of several layers of cells.
Connective tissue sheath: girdle enclosing the epithelial sheath
and connecting to the conjunctival tissue.
Epidermis: outer layer of the skin.
Hair shaft: a filament that grows from the skin.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Nervous system: set of nerves,
ganglions and nervous centers that receive sensory signal. Commands
and coordinates vital functions.
Brachial plexus: network of nerves of the arm.
Intercostal nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses between the
Radial nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses in the area of the
Median nerve: main cord conducting nerve impulses in the upper
Ulnar nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses in the area of the
Lumbar plexus: network of nerves of the lower back.
Sciatic nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses in the area of
the thigh and lower leg.
Common peroneal nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses along the
inside of the lower leg.
Superficial peroneal nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses of
the muscles and skin of the leg.
Digital nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses of the fingers.
Sacral plexus: network of nerves of the sacrum.
Spinal cord: substance belonging to the nervous system, found
in the holes of the vertebrae.
Cerebellum: nervous centre situated under the brain.
Cerebrum: seat of the mental capacities.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Nervous system: spinal nerves:
whitish cords transmitting outgoing signals, from the brain to the organs.
Cervical nerves (innervate the neck and the arms): cords conducting
nerve impulses from the neck and arms to the cerebellum via the spinal
Intercostal nerve: cord conducting nerve impulses between the
Lumbar and sacral nerves (innervate the legs and pelvic organs):
nerves originating in the lower back and extending into the pelvis and
Sacral plexus: network of nerves of the sacrum.
Lumbar plexus: network of nerves of the lower back.
Spinal cord: substance belonging to the nervous system, found
in the holes of the vertebrae.
Brachial plexus: network of nerves of the arm.
Cerebrum: seat of the mental capacities.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Sensory impulse: phenomenon of
polarization and depolarization through which the abnormal acticity
of a fibre spreads through a nerve.
Sensory neuron: nerve cord carrying sensory stimuli to the brain.
Dendrite: cytoplasmic extension of a nerve cell.
Cell body: part of the nerve cell between the axon and the dendrite.
Axon: extension of a neuron.
Motor neuron: nerve that produces muscular activity.
Motor end plate: muscular organ that becomes active in response
to stimuli.
Myelin sheath: envelope of phosphorated fats.
Receptor (free nerve ending): receiver of nervous stimuli.
هاوى- عضو ذهبى
- عدد الرسائل : 835
نقاط : 775
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2008
رد: the Visual dictionary
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Neuron: cell composed of a cell
body, an axon and dendrites, forming a functional unit of the nervous
Dendrite: cytoplasmic extension of a nerve cell.
Axon: extension of a neuron.
Terminal arborisation: final division.
Motor end plate: muscular organ that becomes active in response
to stimuli.
Muscle fibre: set of cells making up a muscle.
Myelin sheath: envelope of phosphorated fats.
Cytoplasm: gel contained in a cell.
Nucleus: central part of a cell, containing the chromosomes.
Cell body: part of the nerve cell between the axon and the dendrite.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Brain or encephalon (lateral view):
Seat of mental capacities of a human.
Central sulcus or fissure: groove on the middle of the cerebrum.
Parietal lobe: projecting part on the side of the cerebrum.
Postcentral gyrus: sinuous fold on the back of the cerebrum.
Occipital lobe: projecting part at the back of the brain containing
the optical centers.
Occipital pole: hindmost part of the cerebrum.
Cerebellum: nervous centre situated under the brain.
Brain stem: part of the brain consisting of the medulla oblongata,
the pons Varoli and the mesencephalon.
Lateral sulcus or fissure: groove on the side of the cerebrum
separating two lobes.
Temporal lobe: projecting part of the cerebrum in the area of
the temples.
Frontal pole: foremost part of the cerebrum.
Precentral gyrus: sinuous fold on the front of the cerebrum.
Frontal lobe: projecting part in the area of the forehead.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Brain or encephalon (sagittal section):
Seat of mental capacities of a human.
Septum pellucidum: translucent partition between two cavities.
Fornix: an arched body in the brain.
Interthalmic commissure: region of the thalamus.
Pineal gland: epyphysis.
Aqueduc of Sylvius: canal that connects the third ventricle to
the fourth one.
Cerebellum: nervous centre situated under the brain.
Fourth ventricle: fourth cavity of the brain.
Brain stem: part of the brain consisting of the medulla oblongata,
the pons Varoli and the mesencephalon.
Medulla oblongata: lower part of the brain stem.
Pons: projecting central part of the brain stem.
Mesencephalon: upper part of the brain stem.
Mammillary body: nipple-shaped part of the brain.
Hypophysis: gland situated under the brain which secretes hormones
controlling most basic body functions.
Optic chiasma: the crossing of the optic tracts in the brain.
Anterior commissure: fascia of white substance related to the
olfactory tracts.
Corpus callosum: substance joining the two hemispheres.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Eye (right): organ of sight composed
mainly of eyelids, eyelashes, the lachrymal gland and the eyeball.
Lacrimal duct (lacrimal caruncle): fleshy outgrowth in the inner
corner of the eye.
Eyebrow: hair-covered ridge over the orbit.
Conjunctiva (bulbar): thin, translucent membrane covering the
Lacrimal puncta: minute orifices related to tears.
Lower eyelid: muscular tissue covering and protecting the lower
part of the front of the eye.
Eyelashes: hairs along the edge of the eyelids.
Iris: coloured part of the eye.
Pupil: aperture in the centre of the iris.
Upper eyelid: muscular tissue covering and protecting the upper
part of the front of the eye.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Eyeball: organ of sight comprised
principally of the iris, the lens, the pupil and the cornea.
Tendon: tissue connecting the orbicular muscle of the eyelids
to the bony part of the orbit.
Orbit: one of two skull cavities containing the eyeballs.
Infraorbital fatly tissue: fatty tissue on the inside of the
Extrinsic skeletal muscle of the eye: eye muscles attached to
the outer wall of the eyeball.
Optic nerve: conductor of nerve impulses in the eye.
Episcleral space: interstice between the eyeball and the capsule
of Tenon.
Crystalline lens: part of the eye behind the pupil that focuses
light rays onto the retina.
Cornea: front part of the eye, an extension of the sclera.
Inferior tarsus: muscles that draw the lower eyelids inward.
Eyelashes: hairs along the edge of the eyelids.
Eyeball: sphere forming the eye.
Limbus: peripheral structure of an organ.
Tarsal glands: glands related to the muscles that draw the eyelids
Conjunctiva: thin, translucent membrane covering the eyeball.
Superior tarsus: muscles that draw the upper eyelids inward.
Conjunctival corners (fornix): upper limit of the conjunctiva.
Orbital septum: division between the two skull cavities containing
the eyes.
Orbicularis oris: muscle that closes the eyelids.
Conjunctiva: part of the conjunctiva that covers an unexposed
part of the eyeball.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Lacrimal apparatus: set of organs
producing the tears.
Lacrimal gland: part of the tear gland inside the orbit.
Palpebral ligament: set of connective fibres on the side of the
Lacrimal caruncle: minute orifices related to tears.
Nasal cacity: fossa of the nose.
Inferior nasal concha: bony layer rolled onto itself in the lower
part of the nasal cavity.
Nasolacrimal duct: tube carrying tears to the nasal fossae.
Lacrimal sac: pocket related to the tears.
Lacrimal canal: tear ducts.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Structure of the posterior part of
the eye: part of the organ of sight comprised principally of the
eyelids, the eyelashes, the lachrymal gland and the eyeball.
Retina: eye membrane composed of nerve cells.
Pigment cells: part of the eye containing pigments.
Cones: short, compact visual cells.
Ganglion neurons: nerve cells of the eye.
Rods: long, fine, visual cells.
Interior of the eye: inside of the eyeball.
Optic nerve: conductor of nerve impulses in the eye.
Sheat of optic nerve: envelope containing the nerve related to
Sclera: outermost membrane of the eye.
Choroid: middle membrane of the eye.
Pigmented epithelium: part of the eye containing pigments.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
External ear: one of two organs
of hearing on the sides of the head, comprised of internal and external
Helix: fold surrounding the auricle.
Navicular fossa: boat-shaped fold of the ear.
Root of the helix: part of the helix.
Anthelix: curved ridge in front of the helix.
Tragus: prominence over and in front of the acoustic meatus.
Lobe: fleshy part at the base of the ear.
Antitragus: ear projection opposite the tragus.
External auditory meatus: mouth of the canal of the temporal
bone that carries sounds to the eardrum.
Concha: deep fossa of the external ear.
Scapha: hollow at the end of the helix.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
External, middle, internal ear:
one of two organs of hearing on the sides of the head, comprised of
internal and external parts.
External ear: visible part of the ear.
Auricle: outer part of the external ear.
External auditory meatus: canal of the temporal bone that carries
sounds to the eardrum.
Eardrum: membrane of the external ear that transmits air vibrations
to the middle ear.
Internal ear: deepest part of the ear.
Semi-circular canans: crescent-shaped tubes.
External: semicircular tube closest to the external ear.
Posterior: middle semicircular tube.
Anterior: semicircular tube deepest in the ear.
Vestibuli: cavity of the internal ear.
Cochlea: part of the internal ear that converts sound vibrations
to nerve impulses.
Auridory nerve: nerve related to hearing.
Eustachian tube: canal that allows equalization of air pressure
on both sides of the eardrum.
Middle ear: part of the ear between the internal and external
Stapes (stirrup): ossicle of the middle ear connected to the
Incus (anvil): middle ossicle of the middle ear.
Malleus (hammer): first ossicle of the middle ear.
External acoustic meatus: canal of the temporal bone that carries
sounds to the eardrum.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Ossicles: sense that perceives
Anvil: middle ossicle of the middle ear.
Head of the stirrup: top part of the stapes.
Stirrup: ossicle of the middle ear connected to the incus.
Base of the stirrup: lower part of the stapes.
Hammer: first ossicle of the middle ear.
Head of the hammer: top part of the malleus.
Neuron: cell composed of a cell
body, an axon and dendrites, forming a functional unit of the nervous
Dendrite: cytoplasmic extension of a nerve cell.
Axon: extension of a neuron.
Terminal arborisation: final division.
Motor end plate: muscular organ that becomes active in response
to stimuli.
Muscle fibre: set of cells making up a muscle.
Myelin sheath: envelope of phosphorated fats.
Cytoplasm: gel contained in a cell.
Nucleus: central part of a cell, containing the chromosomes.
Cell body: part of the nerve cell between the axon and the dendrite.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Brain or encephalon (lateral view):
Seat of mental capacities of a human.
Central sulcus or fissure: groove on the middle of the cerebrum.
Parietal lobe: projecting part on the side of the cerebrum.
Postcentral gyrus: sinuous fold on the back of the cerebrum.
Occipital lobe: projecting part at the back of the brain containing
the optical centers.
Occipital pole: hindmost part of the cerebrum.
Cerebellum: nervous centre situated under the brain.
Brain stem: part of the brain consisting of the medulla oblongata,
the pons Varoli and the mesencephalon.
Lateral sulcus or fissure: groove on the side of the cerebrum
separating two lobes.
Temporal lobe: projecting part of the cerebrum in the area of
the temples.
Frontal pole: foremost part of the cerebrum.
Precentral gyrus: sinuous fold on the front of the cerebrum.
Frontal lobe: projecting part in the area of the forehead.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Brain or encephalon (sagittal section):
Seat of mental capacities of a human.
Septum pellucidum: translucent partition between two cavities.
Fornix: an arched body in the brain.
Interthalmic commissure: region of the thalamus.
Pineal gland: epyphysis.
Aqueduc of Sylvius: canal that connects the third ventricle to
the fourth one.
Cerebellum: nervous centre situated under the brain.
Fourth ventricle: fourth cavity of the brain.
Brain stem: part of the brain consisting of the medulla oblongata,
the pons Varoli and the mesencephalon.
Medulla oblongata: lower part of the brain stem.
Pons: projecting central part of the brain stem.
Mesencephalon: upper part of the brain stem.
Mammillary body: nipple-shaped part of the brain.
Hypophysis: gland situated under the brain which secretes hormones
controlling most basic body functions.
Optic chiasma: the crossing of the optic tracts in the brain.
Anterior commissure: fascia of white substance related to the
olfactory tracts.
Corpus callosum: substance joining the two hemispheres.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Eye (right): organ of sight composed
mainly of eyelids, eyelashes, the lachrymal gland and the eyeball.
Lacrimal duct (lacrimal caruncle): fleshy outgrowth in the inner
corner of the eye.
Eyebrow: hair-covered ridge over the orbit.
Conjunctiva (bulbar): thin, translucent membrane covering the
Lacrimal puncta: minute orifices related to tears.
Lower eyelid: muscular tissue covering and protecting the lower
part of the front of the eye.
Eyelashes: hairs along the edge of the eyelids.
Iris: coloured part of the eye.
Pupil: aperture in the centre of the iris.
Upper eyelid: muscular tissue covering and protecting the upper
part of the front of the eye.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Eyeball: organ of sight comprised
principally of the iris, the lens, the pupil and the cornea.
Tendon: tissue connecting the orbicular muscle of the eyelids
to the bony part of the orbit.
Orbit: one of two skull cavities containing the eyeballs.
Infraorbital fatly tissue: fatty tissue on the inside of the
Extrinsic skeletal muscle of the eye: eye muscles attached to
the outer wall of the eyeball.
Optic nerve: conductor of nerve impulses in the eye.
Episcleral space: interstice between the eyeball and the capsule
of Tenon.
Crystalline lens: part of the eye behind the pupil that focuses
light rays onto the retina.
Cornea: front part of the eye, an extension of the sclera.
Inferior tarsus: muscles that draw the lower eyelids inward.
Eyelashes: hairs along the edge of the eyelids.
Eyeball: sphere forming the eye.
Limbus: peripheral structure of an organ.
Tarsal glands: glands related to the muscles that draw the eyelids
Conjunctiva: thin, translucent membrane covering the eyeball.
Superior tarsus: muscles that draw the upper eyelids inward.
Conjunctival corners (fornix): upper limit of the conjunctiva.
Orbital septum: division between the two skull cavities containing
the eyes.
Orbicularis oris: muscle that closes the eyelids.
Conjunctiva: part of the conjunctiva that covers an unexposed
part of the eyeball.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Lacrimal apparatus: set of organs
producing the tears.
Lacrimal gland: part of the tear gland inside the orbit.
Palpebral ligament: set of connective fibres on the side of the
Lacrimal caruncle: minute orifices related to tears.
Nasal cacity: fossa of the nose.
Inferior nasal concha: bony layer rolled onto itself in the lower
part of the nasal cavity.
Nasolacrimal duct: tube carrying tears to the nasal fossae.
Lacrimal sac: pocket related to the tears.
Lacrimal canal: tear ducts.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Structure of the posterior part of
the eye: part of the organ of sight comprised principally of the
eyelids, the eyelashes, the lachrymal gland and the eyeball.
Retina: eye membrane composed of nerve cells.
Pigment cells: part of the eye containing pigments.
Cones: short, compact visual cells.
Ganglion neurons: nerve cells of the eye.
Rods: long, fine, visual cells.
Interior of the eye: inside of the eyeball.
Optic nerve: conductor of nerve impulses in the eye.
Sheat of optic nerve: envelope containing the nerve related to
Sclera: outermost membrane of the eye.
Choroid: middle membrane of the eye.
Pigmented epithelium: part of the eye containing pigments.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
External ear: one of two organs
of hearing on the sides of the head, comprised of internal and external
Helix: fold surrounding the auricle.
Navicular fossa: boat-shaped fold of the ear.
Root of the helix: part of the helix.
Anthelix: curved ridge in front of the helix.
Tragus: prominence over and in front of the acoustic meatus.
Lobe: fleshy part at the base of the ear.
Antitragus: ear projection opposite the tragus.
External auditory meatus: mouth of the canal of the temporal
bone that carries sounds to the eardrum.
Concha: deep fossa of the external ear.
Scapha: hollow at the end of the helix.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
External, middle, internal ear:
one of two organs of hearing on the sides of the head, comprised of
internal and external parts.
External ear: visible part of the ear.
Auricle: outer part of the external ear.
External auditory meatus: canal of the temporal bone that carries
sounds to the eardrum.
Eardrum: membrane of the external ear that transmits air vibrations
to the middle ear.
Internal ear: deepest part of the ear.
Semi-circular canans: crescent-shaped tubes.
External: semicircular tube closest to the external ear.
Posterior: middle semicircular tube.
Anterior: semicircular tube deepest in the ear.
Vestibuli: cavity of the internal ear.
Cochlea: part of the internal ear that converts sound vibrations
to nerve impulses.
Auridory nerve: nerve related to hearing.
Eustachian tube: canal that allows equalization of air pressure
on both sides of the eardrum.
Middle ear: part of the ear between the internal and external
Stapes (stirrup): ossicle of the middle ear connected to the
Incus (anvil): middle ossicle of the middle ear.
Malleus (hammer): first ossicle of the middle ear.
External acoustic meatus: canal of the temporal bone that carries
sounds to the eardrum.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Ossicles: sense that perceives
Anvil: middle ossicle of the middle ear.
Head of the stirrup: top part of the stapes.
Stirrup: ossicle of the middle ear connected to the incus.
Base of the stirrup: lower part of the stapes.
Hammer: first ossicle of the middle ear.
Head of the hammer: top part of the malleus.
هاوى- عضو ذهبى
- عدد الرسائل : 835
نقاط : 775
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2008
رد: the Visual dictionary
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
External nose: organ of smell,
situated on the face between the mouth and the forehead.
Dorsum of nose: ridge of the nose.
Tip of nose: fleshy part between the nostrils.
Philtrum: vertical furrow between the nose and the upper lip.
Labial commissure: corners of the mouth, between the upper and
lower lips.
Naris: opening of the nostril.
Ala: side of the nose.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Nasal fossa (profile): two cavities
separated by a vertical plate. Air enters the nasal fossae through the
nostrils and flows to an from the lungs.
Olfactory neurson: branch of the nerve related to smell.
Ethmoid bone: a bone at the base of the cranium crossed by divisions
of the olfactory nerve.
Sphenoidal sinus: cavity of the sphenoid.
Entrance to Eustachian tube: opening of the tube connecting the
middle ear and the pharynx.
soft palate: back part of the palate.
Oral cavity: the chamber of the mouth.
Hard palate: bony front part of the palate.
Upper lip: upper external part of the mouth, covering the teeth.
Nasal cartilage: flexible substance in the point of the nose.
Septal cartilage of nose: flexible substance of the septum.
Skin: organic external covering of the body.
Frontal sinus: cavity in the area of the forehead.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Nasal and oral cavities: opening
or hollow parts of the nose and mouth.
Superior nasal concha: bony layer folded onto itself in the upper
part of the nasopharynx.
Sphenoidal sinus: cavity in the area of the sphenoid.
Nasopharynx: part of the pharynx in the area of the nose.
Maxillary process: outgrowth of the upper jaw that is part of
the nasopharynx.
Hard palate: arch of the palate.
Tongue: organ of taste.
Oropharynx: part of the pharynx in the area of the mouth.
Epiglottis: a fold of cartilage that closes the glottis during
Vertebral column: the spine.
Laryngopharynx: part of the pharynx in the area of the larynx.
Esophagus: part of the digestive tract between the larynx and
the cardia of the stomach.
Trachea: tube connecting the larynx and the bronchi.
Lateral incisive: tooth used for biting and cutting. It has a
single root and is situated at the side of the jaw.
Entrance of nose: cavity of the nostril.
Inferior nasal concha: bony layer folded onto itself situated
in the lower part of the nasopharynx.
Middle nasal concha: bony layer folded onto itself situated in
the middle part of the nasopharynx.
Frontal sinus: cavity in the area of the forehead.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Oral cavity: opening or hollow
part of the mouth.
Frenulum of lip: cutaneous fold of the lips.
Tonsil (pharyngeal): lymphoid organ in the throat.
Palatopharyngeal arch: rear membrane holding the tonsil in place.
Palatoglossal arch: front membrane holding the tonsil in place.
Uvula: fleshy appendage that closes the nasal fossae during swallowing.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Taste: sense that perceives flavors
using the taste-buds of the tongue in human being.
Oropharynx: part of the pharynx in the area of the mouth.
Vertical branch of the mandible: division of the lower jaw aligned
vertically with the body.
Palatine tonsil: type of tonsil (2) situated on one side or other
of the isthmus of fauces.
Lingual tonsil: type of tonsil situated at the base of the tongue.
Tongue: organ of taste.
Inferior dental arch: set of teeth of the lower jaw.
Lip: external part of the mouth covering the teeth.
Filiform papillae: papillae that are not made up of taste-buds.
Circumvallate papillae: 6 to 12 papillae near the base of the
Fungiform papillae: mushroom-shaped papillae, about 200 in number,
situated chiefly at the sides and centre on the tongue.
Epiglottis: a fold of cartilage that closes the glottis during
Vocal cords: upper organs of speech.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Tongue (lower surface): fleshy,
mobile organ situated in the mouth of humans, used to taste, swallow
and speak.
Superior dental arch: set of teeth of the upper jaw.
Sublingual fringe: fringe beneath the tongue.
Lingual vein: vein of the tongue.
Sublingual protuberance: a projection under the teeth.
Openings of the ducts of the submandibular and sublingual salivary
glands: papillae situated beneath the tongue.
Lower lip: lower external part of the mouth, covering the tongue.
Frenulum of the tongue: membrane that prevents a person from
swallowing his or her tongue.
Upper lip: upper external part of the mouth, coverint the teeth.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Digestive system: set of organs
involved in the digestion of food.
Pharynx: part of the digestive tract between the mouth and the
Esophagus: part of the digestive tract between the larynx and
the cardia of the stomach.
Stomach: pocket-like part of the digestive tract, where food
is mixed and stored.
Pancreas (tail): gland connected to the digestive tract which
produces digestive enzymes.
Duodenum: beginning of the small intestine.
Small intestine: part of the digestive tract between the stomach
and the large intestine.
Descending colon: part of the large intestine in which food travels
Sigmoid: last part of the descending colon.
Anus: end of the large intestine, through which the human body
expels solid waste.
Rectum: last part of the large intestine, between the sigmoid
colon and the anus.
Appendix: hollow diverticulum fastened to the caecum.
Cecum: blind gut formed by the part of the large intestine between
the small intestine and the ascending colon.
Ascending colon: part of the large intestine where food travels
Transverse colon: part of the large intestine where food travels
Gallbladder: small sac that contains the bile.
Liver: digestive gland that produces bile.
Tooth: organ set in the jaws and used to cut and crush food.
Tongue: organ of taste.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Urinary system: set of organs producing
urine in human beings, comprised chiefly of the kidneys, ureters, bladder
and urethra.
Left suprarenal gland: cap covering the upper part of the left
Common iliac vein: vein carrying unoxygenated blood from the
limbs and lower organs to the heart.
Celiac trunk: branching of the aorta feeding the abdominal viscera.
Left kidney: left blood-purifying organ.
Left renal vein: vein connecting the left kidney and the inferior
vena cava.
Abdominal aorta: part of the aorta feeding the organs of the
Erethra: small tube through which a human being expels liquid
Urinary bladder: pocket in which urine collects.
Iliac vein and artery: blood vessels in the flank region.
Ureter: tube carrying urine from the kidney to the bladder.
Renal pelvis: part of the kidney situated at the junction of
the calyces and leading to the ureter.
Malpighi's pyramid: glomerules of the kidney.
Calyx: excretory cavity in the pelvis of a kidney.
Medulla: matter forming the central part of a kidney.
Cortex: matter of the cortex of the suprarenal gland.
Section of the right kidney: graphic representation of the interior
of the right blood-purifying organ.
Section of the right suprarenal gland: graphic representation
of the interior of the suprarenal gland.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Respiratory apparatus: set of organs
of respiration.
Nasal cavity: chamber of the nose.
Oral cavity: chamber of the mouth.
Epiglottis: fold of cartilage that closes the glottis during
Trachea: tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi.
Cartilage: crest that separates the openings of the right and
left bronchi.
Left lung: left respiratory organ.
Oblique fissure: separation between the two pulmonary lobes.
Diaphragm: large, thin muscle that separates the chest from the
Esophagus: part of the digestive tract between the pharynx and
the cardia of the stomach.
Alveola: small pulmonary cavity where gas exchange takes place.
Right lung: right respiratory organ.
Right bronchus: tube connecting the larynx to the lungs.
Terminal bronchiole: division of the bronchus that ends in a
cluster of alveola.
Larynx: voice organ situated between the pharynx and the trachea.
Pharynx: part of the digestive tube between the mouth and the
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Arterial system: canals that carry
blood from the heart to the organs.
Posterior auricular: vessel carrying blood to the ear.
Occipital: vessel carrying blood to the head.
External carotid: neck vessel carrying blood to the face.
Internal carotid: neck vessel carrying blood to the brain.
Common carotid (left): vessel carrying blood to the left side
of the neck.
Brachio-cephalic: main vessel of the arm.
Left subclavian: vessel carrying blood beneath the left clavicle.
Right coronary artery: vessel feeding blood to the tissues of
the right side of the heart.
Thoracic aorta: main artery fo the thorax.
Celiac trunk: vessel carrying blood to the thoracic cavity.
Renal: vessel carrying blood to the kidneys.
Superior mesenteric: vessel carrying blood to the upper part
of the abdomen.
Abdominal aorta: principal artery in the abdominal area.
Inferior mesenteric: vessel carrying blood to the lower part
of the abdomen.
Common iliac: principal artery of the lower limb of a human being.
Internal iliac: internal branch of the iliac artery.
External iliac: external branch of the iliac artery.
Profunda femoris: vessel carrying blood towards the inside of
the thigh.
Peroneal: vessel carrying blood to the lower leg.
Lateral plantar: vessel carrying blood to the side of the sole
of the foot.
Dorsalis pedis: vessel carrying blood to the dorsal part fo the
Plantar arch: vessel carrying blood to the instep area of the
Medial plantar: vessel carrying blood to the median part of the
sole of the foot.
Anterior tibial: vessel carrying blood to the front part of the
lower leg.
Posterior tibial: vessel carrying blood to the back part of the
lower leg.
Popliliteal: vessel carrying blood to the back of the foot.
Femoral: vessel carrying blood to the thigh.
Superficial palmar arch: vessel situated just beneath the skin
of the parmal arch of the hand.
Ulnar: vessel situated in the area of the ulna.
Common interosseous: vessel situated between the two bones of
the forearm.
Gonadal or genital: vessel carrying blood to the genital organs.
Radial: vessel situated in the area of the radius.
Brachial: vessel carrying blood to the arm.
Profunda brachial: vessel carrying blood towards the interior
of the arm.
Axillary: vessel carrying blood to the armpit.
Right subclavian: vessel carrying blood beneath the right clavicle.
Right vertebral: vessel situated on the right carrying blood
to the vertebrae.
Common carotid (right): vessel carrying blood to the right side
of the neck.
Superior thyroid: vessel carrying blood to the thyroid.
Lingual: vessel carrying blood to the tongue.
Facial: vessel carrying blood to the face.
Maxillary: vessel carrying blood to the maxillae.
Superficial temporal: vessel carrying blood to the surface of
the skin, in the area of the temples.
External nose: organ of smell,
situated on the face between the mouth and the forehead.
Dorsum of nose: ridge of the nose.
Tip of nose: fleshy part between the nostrils.
Philtrum: vertical furrow between the nose and the upper lip.
Labial commissure: corners of the mouth, between the upper and
lower lips.
Naris: opening of the nostril.
Ala: side of the nose.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Nasal fossa (profile): two cavities
separated by a vertical plate. Air enters the nasal fossae through the
nostrils and flows to an from the lungs.
Olfactory neurson: branch of the nerve related to smell.
Ethmoid bone: a bone at the base of the cranium crossed by divisions
of the olfactory nerve.
Sphenoidal sinus: cavity of the sphenoid.
Entrance to Eustachian tube: opening of the tube connecting the
middle ear and the pharynx.
soft palate: back part of the palate.
Oral cavity: the chamber of the mouth.
Hard palate: bony front part of the palate.
Upper lip: upper external part of the mouth, covering the teeth.
Nasal cartilage: flexible substance in the point of the nose.
Septal cartilage of nose: flexible substance of the septum.
Skin: organic external covering of the body.
Frontal sinus: cavity in the area of the forehead.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Nasal and oral cavities: opening
or hollow parts of the nose and mouth.
Superior nasal concha: bony layer folded onto itself in the upper
part of the nasopharynx.
Sphenoidal sinus: cavity in the area of the sphenoid.
Nasopharynx: part of the pharynx in the area of the nose.
Maxillary process: outgrowth of the upper jaw that is part of
the nasopharynx.
Hard palate: arch of the palate.
Tongue: organ of taste.
Oropharynx: part of the pharynx in the area of the mouth.
Epiglottis: a fold of cartilage that closes the glottis during
Vertebral column: the spine.
Laryngopharynx: part of the pharynx in the area of the larynx.
Esophagus: part of the digestive tract between the larynx and
the cardia of the stomach.
Trachea: tube connecting the larynx and the bronchi.
Lateral incisive: tooth used for biting and cutting. It has a
single root and is situated at the side of the jaw.
Entrance of nose: cavity of the nostril.
Inferior nasal concha: bony layer folded onto itself situated
in the lower part of the nasopharynx.
Middle nasal concha: bony layer folded onto itself situated in
the middle part of the nasopharynx.
Frontal sinus: cavity in the area of the forehead.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Oral cavity: opening or hollow
part of the mouth.
Frenulum of lip: cutaneous fold of the lips.
Tonsil (pharyngeal): lymphoid organ in the throat.
Palatopharyngeal arch: rear membrane holding the tonsil in place.
Palatoglossal arch: front membrane holding the tonsil in place.
Uvula: fleshy appendage that closes the nasal fossae during swallowing.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Taste: sense that perceives flavors
using the taste-buds of the tongue in human being.
Oropharynx: part of the pharynx in the area of the mouth.
Vertical branch of the mandible: division of the lower jaw aligned
vertically with the body.
Palatine tonsil: type of tonsil (2) situated on one side or other
of the isthmus of fauces.
Lingual tonsil: type of tonsil situated at the base of the tongue.
Tongue: organ of taste.
Inferior dental arch: set of teeth of the lower jaw.
Lip: external part of the mouth covering the teeth.
Filiform papillae: papillae that are not made up of taste-buds.
Circumvallate papillae: 6 to 12 papillae near the base of the
Fungiform papillae: mushroom-shaped papillae, about 200 in number,
situated chiefly at the sides and centre on the tongue.
Epiglottis: a fold of cartilage that closes the glottis during
Vocal cords: upper organs of speech.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Tongue (lower surface): fleshy,
mobile organ situated in the mouth of humans, used to taste, swallow
and speak.
Superior dental arch: set of teeth of the upper jaw.
Sublingual fringe: fringe beneath the tongue.
Lingual vein: vein of the tongue.
Sublingual protuberance: a projection under the teeth.
Openings of the ducts of the submandibular and sublingual salivary
glands: papillae situated beneath the tongue.
Lower lip: lower external part of the mouth, covering the tongue.
Frenulum of the tongue: membrane that prevents a person from
swallowing his or her tongue.
Upper lip: upper external part of the mouth, coverint the teeth.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Digestive system: set of organs
involved in the digestion of food.
Pharynx: part of the digestive tract between the mouth and the
Esophagus: part of the digestive tract between the larynx and
the cardia of the stomach.
Stomach: pocket-like part of the digestive tract, where food
is mixed and stored.
Pancreas (tail): gland connected to the digestive tract which
produces digestive enzymes.
Duodenum: beginning of the small intestine.
Small intestine: part of the digestive tract between the stomach
and the large intestine.
Descending colon: part of the large intestine in which food travels
Sigmoid: last part of the descending colon.
Anus: end of the large intestine, through which the human body
expels solid waste.
Rectum: last part of the large intestine, between the sigmoid
colon and the anus.
Appendix: hollow diverticulum fastened to the caecum.
Cecum: blind gut formed by the part of the large intestine between
the small intestine and the ascending colon.
Ascending colon: part of the large intestine where food travels
Transverse colon: part of the large intestine where food travels
Gallbladder: small sac that contains the bile.
Liver: digestive gland that produces bile.
Tooth: organ set in the jaws and used to cut and crush food.
Tongue: organ of taste.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Urinary system: set of organs producing
urine in human beings, comprised chiefly of the kidneys, ureters, bladder
and urethra.
Left suprarenal gland: cap covering the upper part of the left
Common iliac vein: vein carrying unoxygenated blood from the
limbs and lower organs to the heart.
Celiac trunk: branching of the aorta feeding the abdominal viscera.
Left kidney: left blood-purifying organ.
Left renal vein: vein connecting the left kidney and the inferior
vena cava.
Abdominal aorta: part of the aorta feeding the organs of the
Erethra: small tube through which a human being expels liquid
Urinary bladder: pocket in which urine collects.
Iliac vein and artery: blood vessels in the flank region.
Ureter: tube carrying urine from the kidney to the bladder.
Renal pelvis: part of the kidney situated at the junction of
the calyces and leading to the ureter.
Malpighi's pyramid: glomerules of the kidney.
Calyx: excretory cavity in the pelvis of a kidney.
Medulla: matter forming the central part of a kidney.
Cortex: matter of the cortex of the suprarenal gland.
Section of the right kidney: graphic representation of the interior
of the right blood-purifying organ.
Section of the right suprarenal gland: graphic representation
of the interior of the suprarenal gland.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Respiratory apparatus: set of organs
of respiration.
Nasal cavity: chamber of the nose.
Oral cavity: chamber of the mouth.
Epiglottis: fold of cartilage that closes the glottis during
Trachea: tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi.
Cartilage: crest that separates the openings of the right and
left bronchi.
Left lung: left respiratory organ.
Oblique fissure: separation between the two pulmonary lobes.
Diaphragm: large, thin muscle that separates the chest from the
Esophagus: part of the digestive tract between the pharynx and
the cardia of the stomach.
Alveola: small pulmonary cavity where gas exchange takes place.
Right lung: right respiratory organ.
Right bronchus: tube connecting the larynx to the lungs.
Terminal bronchiole: division of the bronchus that ends in a
cluster of alveola.
Larynx: voice organ situated between the pharynx and the trachea.
Pharynx: part of the digestive tube between the mouth and the
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Arterial system: canals that carry
blood from the heart to the organs.
Posterior auricular: vessel carrying blood to the ear.
Occipital: vessel carrying blood to the head.
External carotid: neck vessel carrying blood to the face.
Internal carotid: neck vessel carrying blood to the brain.
Common carotid (left): vessel carrying blood to the left side
of the neck.
Brachio-cephalic: main vessel of the arm.
Left subclavian: vessel carrying blood beneath the left clavicle.
Right coronary artery: vessel feeding blood to the tissues of
the right side of the heart.
Thoracic aorta: main artery fo the thorax.
Celiac trunk: vessel carrying blood to the thoracic cavity.
Renal: vessel carrying blood to the kidneys.
Superior mesenteric: vessel carrying blood to the upper part
of the abdomen.
Abdominal aorta: principal artery in the abdominal area.
Inferior mesenteric: vessel carrying blood to the lower part
of the abdomen.
Common iliac: principal artery of the lower limb of a human being.
Internal iliac: internal branch of the iliac artery.
External iliac: external branch of the iliac artery.
Profunda femoris: vessel carrying blood towards the inside of
the thigh.
Peroneal: vessel carrying blood to the lower leg.
Lateral plantar: vessel carrying blood to the side of the sole
of the foot.
Dorsalis pedis: vessel carrying blood to the dorsal part fo the
Plantar arch: vessel carrying blood to the instep area of the
Medial plantar: vessel carrying blood to the median part of the
sole of the foot.
Anterior tibial: vessel carrying blood to the front part of the
lower leg.
Posterior tibial: vessel carrying blood to the back part of the
lower leg.
Popliliteal: vessel carrying blood to the back of the foot.
Femoral: vessel carrying blood to the thigh.
Superficial palmar arch: vessel situated just beneath the skin
of the parmal arch of the hand.
Ulnar: vessel situated in the area of the ulna.
Common interosseous: vessel situated between the two bones of
the forearm.
Gonadal or genital: vessel carrying blood to the genital organs.
Radial: vessel situated in the area of the radius.
Brachial: vessel carrying blood to the arm.
Profunda brachial: vessel carrying blood towards the interior
of the arm.
Axillary: vessel carrying blood to the armpit.
Right subclavian: vessel carrying blood beneath the right clavicle.
Right vertebral: vessel situated on the right carrying blood
to the vertebrae.
Common carotid (right): vessel carrying blood to the right side
of the neck.
Superior thyroid: vessel carrying blood to the thyroid.
Lingual: vessel carrying blood to the tongue.
Facial: vessel carrying blood to the face.
Maxillary: vessel carrying blood to the maxillae.
Superficial temporal: vessel carrying blood to the surface of
the skin, in the area of the temples.
هاوى- عضو ذهبى
- عدد الرسائل : 835
نقاط : 775
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2008
رد: the Visual dictionary
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Blood vessels: organic conduits
carrying blood to the heart and organs.
Connective tissue: tissue that connects and supports.
Smooth muscle tissue: smooth muscle.
Endothelium: cellular tissue covering the wall of an artery.
Epithelial cell: cell of the endothelium.
Valve: tissue that prevents the blood from flowing backwards.
White blood cell: free-floating blood cell that plays an important
role in the immune system.
Red blood cell: free-floating blood cell that carries nutriments
to the organs.
Capillary: small blood vessel that connects arteries to veins
and allows exchange with the cells.
Vein: blood vessel that carries blood from the organs to the
Artery: blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Heart: four-chambered, egg-shaped
muscular organ. The central apparatus of blood circulation.
Aortic valve: tissue that prevent blood from flowing backwards
in the left ventricle.
Opening of the coronary artery: place where the coronary artery
is attached to the heart.
Aorta: principal artery.
Opening of the pulmonary veins: place where the pulmonary veins
are attached to the heart.
Left pulmonary arteries: vessels carrying blood from the heart
to the left lung.
Left pulmonary veins: vessels carrying blood from the left lung
to the heart.
Left atrium: upper left chamber of the heart.
Mitral valve (bicuspid valve): tissue that prevents blood from
flowing backward from the left ventricle to the left atrium.
Entry of the aorta: place where the aorta is attached to the
Left ventricle: lower left chamber of the heart.
Interventricular septum: partition separating the ventricles.
Right ventricle: lower right chamber of the heart.
Inferior vena cava: vessel that returns unoxygenated blood to
the heart from the lower part of the body.
Triscupid valve: tissue that prevents blood from flowing backward
from the right ventricle to the right atrium.
Opening of the coronary vein: place where the coronary vein attaches
to the heart.
Right atrium: upper right chamber of the heart.
Semi-lunar pulmonary valve: tissue that prevents the blood from
flowing backwards in the right ventricle.
Right pulmonary veins: vessels carrying blood from the right
lung to the heart.
Superior vena cava: vessel that returns unoxygenated blood to
the heart from the upper part of the body.
Right pulmonary arteries: vessels carrying blood from the heart
to the right lung.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Female genital organs: set of sexual
organs involved in reproduction.
Sacrum: bone jointed with the hipbone to form the pelvis.
Vesicouterine pouch: bottom the the vesicouterine cavity.
Uterus: female genital organ that contains the fertilized egg
during its development.
Sigmoid: final part of the descending colon.
Rectouterine pouch: bottom of the rectouterine cavity.
Posterior vaginal fornix: back end of the vaginal cavity.
Rectum: final part of the large intestine, between the sigmoid
and the anus.
Cervix (neck of the womb): narrow part of the uterus.
Anus: end of the large intestine, through which the human body
expels solid waste.
Anterior vaginal fornix: front end of the vaginal cavity.
Labia minora: one of two cutaneous folds situated within the
labia majora.
Vagina: internal female genital organ, between the vulva and
the uterus.
Orifice of urethra: end of the urethra.
Clitoris: erectile organ situated in the upper part of the vulva.
Mons veneris: eminence situated at the front of the female pubis,
covered with hair from puberty onwards. Also called the mons pubis.
Eternal urethral sphincter: muscle used to open and close the
Neck of the urinary bladder: narrow part of the bladder.
Symphysis pubis: semi-mobile pubic joint.
Urinary bladder: pocket in which urine collects.
Ovary: one of two egg-producing genital glands.
Fallopian tube (uterine tube): conduit between the ovary and
the uterus.
Suspensory ligament of ovary: tissue that holds the ovary in
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Breast (sagittal section): gland
secreting mother's milk.
Pectoralis major muscle: large muscle of the chest.
Superficial fascia: superficial membrane of a breast.
Areola: muscle related to the nipple.
Nipple: conical bump that forms the point of the breast.
Lactiferous sinus: cavity for milk.
Lactiferous duct: milk tube.
Adipose tissue (fatty tissue): tissue formed of fat.
Glandular lobe: gland.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Male genital organs: set of sexual
organs involved in human reproduction.
Prostate: gland secreting one of the components of sperm.
Seminal vesicle: small sac related to the semen.
Rectovesical pouch: bottom of the recto-vesical cavity.
Rectal fold: fold related to the rectum.
Rectum: final part of the large intestine, between the sigmoid
and the anus.
Prostate urethra: conduit related to the prostate.
Bulbourethral gland: gland related to the bulb and the urethra.
Anus: end of the large intestine, through which the human body
expels solid waste.
Bulb of penis: enlargement of the penis.
Sctotum: small sac under the penis containing the testicles.
Testicle: spermatozoa-producing gland.
Epididymus: canal through which the sperm passes.
External urethral orifice: end of the urethra.
Prepuce (foreskin): cutaneous fold covering the glans penis.
Glans: enlarged end of the penis.
Spongy body: spongy tissue.
Penis: external sexual organ of a man.
Ductus deferens: tube carrying sperm out of the penis.
Urethra: small tube through which the human body expels liquid
Corpus cavernosum (cavernous body): more or less empty space.
Symphysis pubis: semi-mobile pubic joint.
Urinary bladder: pocket in which urine collects.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Sperm (cell): male gamete composed
of a head and a flagellum.
Acrosome: organelle situated a the point of the head of a spermatozoid.
Neck: part of a spermatozoid between the head and the body.
Tail: end of a spermatozoid.
Middle piece: main part of a spermatozoid.
Head: important end of a spermatozoid.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Cleavage of zygote: cell resulting
from fertilization. In dividing, the egg becomes a new being.
Ovum: female reproductive cell.
Two cells: part of its intrauterine growth when the ovule consists
of two cells.
Four cells: part of its intrauterine growth when the ovule consists
of four cells.
Eight cells: part of its intrauterine growth when the ovule consists
of eight cells.
Blastomere stage (mass of cells): part of its intrauterine growth
when the ovule consists of more than eight cells.
Blastocyst: part of the development of the egg where the dividing
cells form a sac.
Amniotyc cavity: pocket filled with amniotic fluid.
Embryonic disk: round, flat form related to the embryo.
Connecting stalk: tissue that holds the [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
in place.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]:
organism in midst of development.
Chrionic villi: velvety surface of the placenta.
Yolk sac: pocket containing the vitellus.
Umbilical cord: cord connecting the fetus to the placenta.
Allantois: one of three accessory parts of the embryo.
Heart: blood-pumping organ.
Digestive tract developing: the beginning of the development
of the digestive tract.
Anterior disgestive tube: terminal part of the cloaqua.
Chorion: external embryonic menbrane.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Full term pregnancy (fetus at term):
implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.
Vertebral column: bony vertical axis extending from the skull
to the pelvis.
Sacrum: bone that is jointed with the hipbone to form the pelvis.
Rectum: last part of the large intestine, between the sigmoid
and the anus.
Urinary bladder: pocket in which urine collects.
Vagina: internal female genital organ, between the vulva and
the uterus.
Symphysis pubis: semi-mobile pubic joint.
External cervical bone: external opening of the neck of the uterus.
Internal cervical bone: internal opening of the neck of the uterus.
Fetus: the gestation of a baby.
Uterus: female genital organ that contains the fertilized egg
during its development.
Placenta: organ that connect a fetus to the body of its mother
during its development.
Blood vessels: organic conduits
carrying blood to the heart and organs.
Connective tissue: tissue that connects and supports.
Smooth muscle tissue: smooth muscle.
Endothelium: cellular tissue covering the wall of an artery.
Epithelial cell: cell of the endothelium.
Valve: tissue that prevents the blood from flowing backwards.
White blood cell: free-floating blood cell that plays an important
role in the immune system.
Red blood cell: free-floating blood cell that carries nutriments
to the organs.
Capillary: small blood vessel that connects arteries to veins
and allows exchange with the cells.
Vein: blood vessel that carries blood from the organs to the
Artery: blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Heart: four-chambered, egg-shaped
muscular organ. The central apparatus of blood circulation.
Aortic valve: tissue that prevent blood from flowing backwards
in the left ventricle.
Opening of the coronary artery: place where the coronary artery
is attached to the heart.
Aorta: principal artery.
Opening of the pulmonary veins: place where the pulmonary veins
are attached to the heart.
Left pulmonary arteries: vessels carrying blood from the heart
to the left lung.
Left pulmonary veins: vessels carrying blood from the left lung
to the heart.
Left atrium: upper left chamber of the heart.
Mitral valve (bicuspid valve): tissue that prevents blood from
flowing backward from the left ventricle to the left atrium.
Entry of the aorta: place where the aorta is attached to the
Left ventricle: lower left chamber of the heart.
Interventricular septum: partition separating the ventricles.
Right ventricle: lower right chamber of the heart.
Inferior vena cava: vessel that returns unoxygenated blood to
the heart from the lower part of the body.
Triscupid valve: tissue that prevents blood from flowing backward
from the right ventricle to the right atrium.
Opening of the coronary vein: place where the coronary vein attaches
to the heart.
Right atrium: upper right chamber of the heart.
Semi-lunar pulmonary valve: tissue that prevents the blood from
flowing backwards in the right ventricle.
Right pulmonary veins: vessels carrying blood from the right
lung to the heart.
Superior vena cava: vessel that returns unoxygenated blood to
the heart from the upper part of the body.
Right pulmonary arteries: vessels carrying blood from the heart
to the right lung.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Female genital organs: set of sexual
organs involved in reproduction.
Sacrum: bone jointed with the hipbone to form the pelvis.
Vesicouterine pouch: bottom the the vesicouterine cavity.
Uterus: female genital organ that contains the fertilized egg
during its development.
Sigmoid: final part of the descending colon.
Rectouterine pouch: bottom of the rectouterine cavity.
Posterior vaginal fornix: back end of the vaginal cavity.
Rectum: final part of the large intestine, between the sigmoid
and the anus.
Cervix (neck of the womb): narrow part of the uterus.
Anus: end of the large intestine, through which the human body
expels solid waste.
Anterior vaginal fornix: front end of the vaginal cavity.
Labia minora: one of two cutaneous folds situated within the
labia majora.
Vagina: internal female genital organ, between the vulva and
the uterus.
Orifice of urethra: end of the urethra.
Clitoris: erectile organ situated in the upper part of the vulva.
Mons veneris: eminence situated at the front of the female pubis,
covered with hair from puberty onwards. Also called the mons pubis.
Eternal urethral sphincter: muscle used to open and close the
Neck of the urinary bladder: narrow part of the bladder.
Symphysis pubis: semi-mobile pubic joint.
Urinary bladder: pocket in which urine collects.
Ovary: one of two egg-producing genital glands.
Fallopian tube (uterine tube): conduit between the ovary and
the uterus.
Suspensory ligament of ovary: tissue that holds the ovary in
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Breast (sagittal section): gland
secreting mother's milk.
Pectoralis major muscle: large muscle of the chest.
Superficial fascia: superficial membrane of a breast.
Areola: muscle related to the nipple.
Nipple: conical bump that forms the point of the breast.
Lactiferous sinus: cavity for milk.
Lactiferous duct: milk tube.
Adipose tissue (fatty tissue): tissue formed of fat.
Glandular lobe: gland.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Male genital organs: set of sexual
organs involved in human reproduction.
Prostate: gland secreting one of the components of sperm.
Seminal vesicle: small sac related to the semen.
Rectovesical pouch: bottom of the recto-vesical cavity.
Rectal fold: fold related to the rectum.
Rectum: final part of the large intestine, between the sigmoid
and the anus.
Prostate urethra: conduit related to the prostate.
Bulbourethral gland: gland related to the bulb and the urethra.
Anus: end of the large intestine, through which the human body
expels solid waste.
Bulb of penis: enlargement of the penis.
Sctotum: small sac under the penis containing the testicles.
Testicle: spermatozoa-producing gland.
Epididymus: canal through which the sperm passes.
External urethral orifice: end of the urethra.
Prepuce (foreskin): cutaneous fold covering the glans penis.
Glans: enlarged end of the penis.
Spongy body: spongy tissue.
Penis: external sexual organ of a man.
Ductus deferens: tube carrying sperm out of the penis.
Urethra: small tube through which the human body expels liquid
Corpus cavernosum (cavernous body): more or less empty space.
Symphysis pubis: semi-mobile pubic joint.
Urinary bladder: pocket in which urine collects.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Sperm (cell): male gamete composed
of a head and a flagellum.
Acrosome: organelle situated a the point of the head of a spermatozoid.
Neck: part of a spermatozoid between the head and the body.
Tail: end of a spermatozoid.
Middle piece: main part of a spermatozoid.
Head: important end of a spermatozoid.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Cleavage of zygote: cell resulting
from fertilization. In dividing, the egg becomes a new being.
Ovum: female reproductive cell.
Two cells: part of its intrauterine growth when the ovule consists
of two cells.
Four cells: part of its intrauterine growth when the ovule consists
of four cells.
Eight cells: part of its intrauterine growth when the ovule consists
of eight cells.
Blastomere stage (mass of cells): part of its intrauterine growth
when the ovule consists of more than eight cells.
Blastocyst: part of the development of the egg where the dividing
cells form a sac.
Amniotyc cavity: pocket filled with amniotic fluid.
Embryonic disk: round, flat form related to the embryo.
Connecting stalk: tissue that holds the [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
in place.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]:
organism in midst of development.
Chrionic villi: velvety surface of the placenta.
Yolk sac: pocket containing the vitellus.
Umbilical cord: cord connecting the fetus to the placenta.
Allantois: one of three accessory parts of the embryo.
Heart: blood-pumping organ.
Digestive tract developing: the beginning of the development
of the digestive tract.
Anterior disgestive tube: terminal part of the cloaqua.
Chorion: external embryonic menbrane.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Full term pregnancy (fetus at term):
implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.
Vertebral column: bony vertical axis extending from the skull
to the pelvis.
Sacrum: bone that is jointed with the hipbone to form the pelvis.
Rectum: last part of the large intestine, between the sigmoid
and the anus.
Urinary bladder: pocket in which urine collects.
Vagina: internal female genital organ, between the vulva and
the uterus.
Symphysis pubis: semi-mobile pubic joint.
External cervical bone: external opening of the neck of the uterus.
Internal cervical bone: internal opening of the neck of the uterus.
Fetus: the gestation of a baby.
Uterus: female genital organ that contains the fertilized egg
during its development.
Placenta: organ that connect a fetus to the body of its mother
during its development.
هاوى- عضو ذهبى
- عدد الرسائل : 835
نقاط : 775
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2008
رد: the Visual dictionary
مجهود اكتر من رائع الف شكر فى انتظار المزيد منك
بهاء- ادارى
- عدد الرسائل : 1387
نقاط : 1786
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/09/2008
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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